
Discord Integration: Shorter Links or Bot-based Embeds [enhancement]

Opened this issue · 1 comments


  1. Discord users put their high character count xenpaper links right in chat, hogging a lot of screen real estate.
  2. But also, they are limited in character length. Attaching a text file is not doable but not convenient.

Solution ideas:

  1. Shorten links with services like TinyURL. Limitation: they only allow 600 links per month via their API with the free package.

  2. Discord bot to post the Embedded link. (Users can't post embedded links, but bots can, and thereby shorten the post length and allow xenpaper scripts longer than a user's post length limit)

  3. Small DB caching the recently copied links; reformat the copied links to use a shortened URL. Limit stored links per IP so that one person can't mash the copy button 10,000 times and hog the entire cache. Probably the easiest approach...

...while this is a low-impact enhancement right now, it could be nice longer term if xenpaper gains more functionality and more popularity.

I think you might be overthinking the URL shortening abuse prevention mechanic.
The main concern with your suggested url-shortening approach is that it requires server-side code to exist. Right now, xenpaper is client-side application.

Regardless, here's what I thought of:
Here is a xenpaper url I shared recently: https://xenpaper.com/#%23_12EDO-17EDO_RETUNING_MAP%0A%23_C_%3A_0__%3D_0____(%2B0)%0A%23_C%23%3A_2__%3D_141__(%2B41)%0A%23_D_%3A_3__%3D_212__(%2B12)%0A%23_D%23%3A_5__%3D_353__(%2B53)%0A%23_E_%3A_6__%3D_424__(%2B24)%0A%23_F_%3A_7__%3D_494__(-6)%0A%23_G_%3A_9__%3D_635__(%2B35)%0A%23_G%23%3A_10_%3D_706__(%2B6)%0A%23_A_%3A_12_%3D_847__(%2B47)%0A%23_A%23%3A_13_%3D_918__(%2B18)%0A%23_B_%3A_15_%3D_1059_(%2B59)%0A%0A%7B17edo%7D_%23_12EDO_mapped._%0A%23_I_wanted_to_keep_a_12EDO-chromatic_feel_%0A%23_while_preserving_the_17edo_scale.%0A0_2_3_5_6_7_9_10_12_13_15_17_%23_chromatic_map%0A0_3_6_7_9_12_15_17___________%23_natural_scale_(white_keys)%0A

You're right - it's too long - but what about other ways to prevent this?
Well, my first thought was doing ASCII compresison.
Compression via http://codelobe.com/tools/ascii-compress, the output looks like this:


About 20% shorter. Not much better, but prevents a need to also turn xenpaper into a url shortener.