
Results fade/highlight

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Love the bracket system you've got set up here, and so I just thought I'd chime in on something I think might help the UX a bit, particularly when viewing results. It would be great to have the losing contestants faded somewhat so that it's easier to see who won on a glance (especially when you're trying to compare it to your votes which are nicely marked). Alternatively some sort of highlight along the path of the winners would be appropriate as well. Or do both and make it nice and fancy! \o/

It would be great to have the losing contestants faded

Agreed. This shall be done.

Alternatively some sort of highlight along the path of the winners would be appropriate as well.

That's kind of already in place. When you mouse over an entrant, it'll highlight their path through the bracket. Adding a separate type of highlight for the overall winner isn't a bad idea, though.