
A Wordpress plugin that allows you to write your theme templates in Haml. Mmmmmmmm.

Primary LanguagePHPISC LicenseISC


WP-HAML allows you to use HAML (powered by PHP-HAML) in your templates, instead 
of embedded PHP -- which always turns into a horrible mess as soon as your
application is more complicated than "Hello World".

It's powered by PHP-HAML, which is a port of HAML, as developed for use with 
Ruby on Rails. The official distribution is a few years old, and has some bugs,
so we've forked it and put the source on github:

WP-HAML should work seamlessly with themes that don't support it. When your 
theme's templates are being loaded, WP-HAML will look for a file named 
<template>.haml.php (eg: search.haml.php, comments.haml.php) and, if one is 
found, will load and execute the template, bypassing Wordpress's normal
template loader.

If no .haml.php file is found, WP-HAML will return control to the Wordpress
template loader, which will load the original template file.

The upshot: You can leave WP-HAML enabled for themes which don't support it, and
you can use it to implement bits of HAML in a theme that is otherwise normal. It
should be pretty easy to port your theme to HAML in your spare time!


1. Request comes in, and is passed to template loader
2. Plugin intercepts reqest and checks to see if there's a matching haml 
3. If there is, the compiled-templates folder is checked to see if it has 
   already been compiled. If it has, it is executed immediately
4. If it hasn't, the HAML is parsed, converted to embedded PHP which is saved
   to the compiled-templates folder and executed
The compiled templates aren't static files: they're PHP scripts, so WP-HAML
shouldn't intefere with any cacheing plugins that you may be using.


php-haml has no error checking or reporting at all. It will take whatever you
give it, and compile it to an embedded PHP file, even if it's totally broken.
Sometimes, if you give it something really left-field, you'll get an error 
within the parser itself.

This is obviously very bad. Suggestions for replacement parsers (or patches!) 
would be most welcome.

In practice, it's not *that* hard to work around. Create your theme with 
WP_DEBUG set to true (in wp-config.php) and check the compiled template when
you get a PHP error. It's usually fairly obvious what went wrong and how to
fix it.


First, check the website: http://github.com/dxw/wp-haml

If you can't find what you need, get in touch. I can't guarantee to support any 
of this, but pop me an email on harry@thedextrousweb.com, or visit us in 
#dextrousweb on Freenode. We'll see what we can do.