Expense Tracker

Simple App to track expenses. Uses REST api with JWT auth written in go in the backend and a React frontend


  • For setting up this project, go get using the following command
go get github.com/dyeduguru/expense-tracker
  • Configure postgres sql connection in main.go
  • Run the following command to build the executable:
go install main.go

*Run the executable. This runs the server on https://localhost:3000

  • The following endpoints are available:
POST /user Creates new user

	Id       string
	Admin    bool
	UserName string
	Password string
	Name     string

POST /token Creates a token for the user

	username	string
	password	string

GET /expense Lists expenses

POST /expense Creates expense

	Id          string
	Timestamp   time.Time
	Amount      float32
	Description string

PATCH /expense Updates expense

	Id          string
	Timestamp   time.Time
	Amount      float32
	Description string

PUT /expense Deletes expense

	Id          string
	Timestamp   time.Time
	Amount      float32
	Description string