
Key conflict

Docbroke opened this issue · 2 comments

When pressed enough times, down arrow key, which is seen as '\e[B' sometime mis-interpreted as B triggering bulk-rename-all function.

My guess is this may also happen with other special keys, ( all arrow keys triggers \e[A , \e[B, \e[C, \e[D characters) out of these only B is bound to other function casusing occasional conflict. So I think it is better to avoid A/B/C&D keys in keybinding.

Possible workaround is to change bulk_rename bindings from (b,B) to (r,R), and change rename keybinding from (r) to F2 key.

I think the most likely cause for this is the fact that, the function key in fff uses multiple read commands

When i was working on BTE i experienced the same problems where B , [B , C , [C , etc would appear while scrolling
The reason i mention BTE is because i had basically ripped the entire input method of fff and used it in BTE.

I've experienced promising results with the input method i ripped from dylanaraps/shfm
Which uses a single input command (it uses dd instead of read)

might create a branch and work on it
Should be easy