
Hyfetch changes the OS info from Neofetch

qpackard opened this issue · 2 comments


Hyfetch substitutes different information for OS than does Neofetch. Can Hyfetch be altered to show the info as Neofetch does?

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64

OS: Ubuntu bookworm/sid (jammy) x86_64

Neofetch version: 7.1.0
Hyfetch version: 1.4.11

You opened the issue in the wrong place. In the future, please open hyfetch-related issues in the hyfetch repo, thanks!

This change is intentional, introduced in hykilpikonna@ff8f9b2. It reads /etc/debian_version for debian-based distros that are not ubuntu.


However, it's strange that your Ubuntu was detected as debian instead of ubuntu.

Can you show me the output of lsb_release -si?