
Inaccurate Caveat for `split()`

terminalforlife opened this issue · 0 comments


This function works as intended in >= 3.1, unless I'm forgetting something. Prior to 3.1, you'll likely incorrectly see single-quotes in the output, if it even gets that far.

Tested on all full releases of BASH, from 3.0 to 5.1.8.

My approach would be:

split() {
    IFS=$1 read -a Buffer <<< "$2"
    printf '%s\n' "${Buffer[@]}"

It's even more portable, available in at least >= 3.0. The original is considerably convoluted, in my opinion.

One thing worth keeping in mind is that a here string in BASH returns an empty line if a null value is given to it, because of the newline character BASH adds after the fact, but given the nature of this function, I don't think that's a problem here.