
Respecting the `-l` flag

Ranguna opened this issue · 1 comments

pywal has an optional flag -l which generates a light color scheme.

Despite this, wal generates two separate color scheme files for rofi colors-rofi-dark.rasi and colors-rofi-light.rasi. This is a bit confusing, since it might imply that selecting the color scheme is up to each application instead of being controlled though the wal cli.

This also caused some confusion with the firefox extensions, which itself has the ability to select between two modes (darkor light). But the extension has a bug when using a color scheme that was explicitly generated with wal's -l flag: Frewacom/pywalfox#92

I want to be able to run wal with the -l flag and have all my application change (as is for terminal emulators and the vscode extension) instead of having to go to each application and changing from one color scheme to the other (as is with the firefox extension and rofi).

One issue I see with this though, is that people might want to have a dark system with a light rofi, or vice versa.

If that's the case, what if the generated colors always include both a dark and a light color scheme. For example, the color.json would have entries for light and for dark colors, instead of just the one selected through the cli.
In this case, the terminal would always follow the -l flag (dark if not specific and light other wise), and other tools would use whatever they are configured to use, having the ability use either color schemes.

In addition to that, having a "default" color scheme would also be nice, so that people don't have to go in each application and change from dark to light (or the other way around) every time they want to change this globally; having the option to override this individually in each application if they want. Also, instead of introducing this "default" option through wal, maybe the system wide dark/light theme options should be used, but I'm not sure if such a convention exists on linux yet.