
Scrolling not working on touchpad

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Great plugin!
Unfortunately scrolling isn't functioning on touchpad on macbook.

Look like fixed here: microsoft/vscode@94702ff

Thanks for the heads up, fixed in 1.1.3.

Still not scrolling for me :(
Besides that have error in the console: https://d.pr/i/Z7zQu4

Weird.. which browser + version on macbook?

Firefox on MacBook Pro.

Problem solved after I forked the repo did npm install and update. Not sure if there is something to do with build process.

Updating to monaco-editor v0.18.1+ should solve this closed issue here, @lumberman this is why your solution works. Can we expect this to be pushed to the wp.org repo in the next release? Great plugin, thanks!

I might've fixed this a while ago, is this issue still occurring?

Oh wait nevermind, that was a fix for firefox on windows

Upgrade monaco to the latest version 0.20.0, which should fix all the issues.