
Can't write above current viewport

rstacruz opened this issue · 2 comments

observatory can't edit lines that are outside the viewport. it uses require('ansi-escapes').cursorUp(20), which doesn't go above whatever's currently visible. instead, consider using process.stdout.moveCursor(0, -20).

Notice in this screencast below that the first line keeps on changing. Also, when I scroll up after its done, the items that should be green are left not-green.


aw damn, .moveCursor suffers the same problem. Unless there's another workaround, I don't think this can be fixed.

I believe this is a limitation of the terminal technology, which I feel like was once printed right to paper before it was common for computers to have screens.

Alternate solution:
I've thought about having npm-check a browser window for better feedback and interactions and interactions not possible in the terminal, such as hovering over a node module's name to learn more about it. The client would use something like koa or express and there's a node module for opening a page in the default browser. The idea is inspired by this project: https://github.com/shurcooL/Go-Package-Store