
Add deployment guide

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Bro Can U Can Heroku Deployment Guide Steps in Readme

A Heroku deployment guide sounds reasonable. I will be working on a Deployment Guide and Contribution Guide the next weeks.

Cool Thanks So much , waiting....😊

When adding bro

When adding bro

I'm working on it right now!

Check out CONTRIBUTING.md to see how to contribute with UdemyPy development (this file includes a Heroku Deployment section).


Can you tell bro which file to be add in Procfile to run

There's no need to add a Procfile. You first have to setup your database. You can do that with:

  • python -m udemypy.database.setup

Once you do that, you can run udemypy functionalities:

  • python -m udemypy.find_courses: finds free courses and saves them to the database
  • python -m udemypy.clean_database: removes courses that are no longer free in database
  • python -m udemypy.send_courses: sends courses to Telegram and Twitter

You can run this commands with Heroku CLI (ideally for testing) or set up a Heroku scheduler.

NOTE: you don't need to deploy udemypy in Heroku to use it, you can run all this commands in your computer if that's easier for you.

You can now find this explained at the How UdemyPy works section on the Contributing guide.


I followed all this step but can't see option to run dynos bro