
A scalable, high-performance serving system for federated learning models

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


License CodeStyle Pinpoint Satellite Style


FATE-Serving is a high-performance, industrialized serving system for federated learning models, designed for production environments.

FATE-Serving now supports

  • High performance online Federated Learning algorithms.
  • Federated Learning online inference pipeline.
  • Dynamic loading federated learning models.
  • Can serve multiple models, or multiple versions of the same model.
  • Support A/B testing experimental models.
  • Real-time inference using federated learning models.
  • Support multi-level cache for remote party federated inference result.
  • Support pre-processing, post-processing and data-access adapters for the production deployment.
  • Provide service managerment for grpc interface by using zookeeper as registry (optional)
  • Requests for publishing models are persisted to local files,so the loaded model will be loaded automatically when the application is restarted

Federated Learning Online Inference Pipeline





The preparations are as follows:

  1. The serving-server rely on Redis,Redis needs to be installed in advance
  2. All models is run in the JVM ,Java needs to be installed in advance
  3. Verify that the service governance feature is required, you can set it to be enabled in the configuration file, and if it is enabled, you need to install zookeeper in advance

the ordinary deploy architecture as the graph shows,If you use this pattern, the IP addresses of each module need to be manually configured in the configuration file


If you want use the service management,the deploy architecture is show here:


  • serving-server: Federated Learning online inference service based on GRPC
  • serving-router: route requests to serving-server or to another party ,The function of this module is similar to the Proxy module in FATE
  • Zookeeper: work as the register center

The data in the zookeeper


Key configuration item description:

Configuration item Configuration item meaning Configuration item value
ip listen address for FATE-Serving default
port listen port for the grpc server of FATE-Serving default 8000
workMode the work mode of FATE-Flow 0 for standalone, 1 for cluster
inferenceWorkerThreadNum inference worker num for async inference default 10
standaloneStoragePath the storage path of standalone EggRoll generally is PYTHONPATH/data
remoteModelInferenceResultCacheSwitch switch of remote model inference result cache storage default true
proxy the address of proxy custom configuration
roll the address of roll custom configuration
OnlineDataAccessAdapter data access adapter class for obtaining host feature data default TestFile, read host feature data from host_data.csv on serving-server root directory
InferencePostProcessingAdapter inference post-processing adapter class for dealing result after model inference default PassPostProcessing
InferencePreProcessingAdapter inference pre-processing adapter class for dealing guest feature data before model inference default PassPreProcessing
useRegister Register interface to registry or not default false
useZkRouter route request by the interface info which is registered into zookeeper default false
zk.url zookeeper url ,eg:zookeeper://localhost:2181?backup=localhost:2182,localhost:2183 default zookeeper://localhost:2181
coordinator The party id for serving default webank
serviceRoleName The federated roles model name default serving
modelCacheAccessTTL The model cache expire after access default 12
modelCacheMaxSize The maximum size of model cache default 50
remoteModelInferenceResultCacheTTL The remote model inference result cache expire after access default 300
remoteModelInferenceResultCacheMaxSize The maximum size of remote model inference result cache default 10000
inferenceResultCacheTTL The inference result cache expire after access default 30
inferenceResultCacheCacheMaxSize The maximum size of inference result cache default 1000
redis.ip The connection host default
redis.port Accept redis connections on the specified port default 6379
redis.password The connection password default fate_dev
redis.timeout Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds default 10
redis.maxTotal The maximum number of objects that can be allocated by the pool default 100
redis.maxIdle The maximum number of "idle" instances that can be held in the pool or a negative value if there is no limit default 100
external.remoteModelInferenceResultCacheTTL The remote model inference result cache expire after access for external cache default 86400
external.remoteModelInferenceResultCacheDBIndex The remote model inference result cache DBIndex for external default 1,10
external.inferenceResultCacheTTL The inference result cache expire after access for external cache default 300
external.inferenceResultCacheDBIndex The inference result cache DBIndex for external cache default 0
external.processCacheDBIndex The process cache DBIndex for external cache default 3
canCacheRetcode Caching result by retcode default 0,102


Key configuration item description:

Configuration item Configuration item meaning Configuration item value
ip listen address for FATE-Serving-Router default
port listen port for the FATE-Serving-Router default 9370
coordinator The party id for serving default webank
zk.url zookeeper url, same as serving configuration default zookeeper://localhost:2181
useRegister Register interface to registry or not default false
useZkRouter route request by the interface info which is registered into zookeeper default false
route.table router table configuration file absolute path default conf/route_table.json

Deploy Serving-Server

For detail, Here are some key steps:

1.git clone https://github.com/FederatedAI/FATE-Serving.git
2.cd  FATE-Serving
3.mvn clean package
4.copy serving-server/target/fate-serving-server-1.1-release.zip to your deploy location and unzip it
5.modify the configuration file conf/serving-server.properties according to your own requirements
6.confirm whether Java is installed. You can check through the java -version command.
7.ln -s fate-serving-server-1.1.jar fate-serving-server.jar, creating soft links for jar.
8.sh service.sh restart

Deploy Serving-Router

For detail, Here are some key steps:

1.Same as serving-server deploy steps 1/2/3, if it has been executed, you can skip
2.copy router/target/fate-serving-router-1.1-release.zip to your deploy location and unzip it
3.modify the configuration file conf/proxy.properties and conf/route_table.json according to your own requirements
5.confirm whether Java is installed. You can check through the java -version command.
6.ln -s fate-serving-router-1.1.jar fate-serving-router.jar, creating soft links for jar.
6.sh service.sh restart


FATE-Serving provide publish model and online inference API.

Publish Model

Please use FATE-Flow Client which in the fate-flow to operate, refer to Online Inference guide at fate_flow_readme.


Serving currently supports three inference-related interfaces, using the grpc protocol.

  • inference: Initiate an inference request and get the result
  • startInferenceJob: Initiate an inference request task without getting results
  • getInferenceResult: Get the result of the inference by caseid

please refer to this script for inference.


Serving supports pre-processing, post-processing and data-access adapters for the actural production.

  • pre-processing: Data pre processing before model calculation
  • post-processing: Data post processing after model calculation
  • data-access: get feature from party's system

At the current stage, you need to put the java code to recompile, and later support to dynamically load the jar in the form of a release.

For now:

  • push your pre-processing and post-processing adapter code into fate-serving/serving-server/src/main/java/com/webank/ai/fate/serving/adapter/processing and modify the InferencePreProcessingAdapter/InferencePostProcessingAdapter configuration parameters.
  • push your data-access adapter code into fate-serving/serving-server/src/main/java/com/webank/ai/fate/serving/adapter/dataaccess and modify the OnlineDataAccessAdapter configuration parameters.

please refer to PassPostProcessing, PassPreProcessing, TestFile adapter.

Remote party multi-level cache

For federal learning, one inference needs to be calculated by multiple parties. In the production environment, the parties are deployed in different IDCs, and the network communication between multiple parties is one of the bottleneck.

So, fate-serving supports caches multi-party model inference results on the initiator, but never caches feature data. you can turn the remoteModelInferenceResultCacheSwitch which in the configuration.