
Need help with installation

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I cloning your repo and install all requured dependencues but i got error while compiling like that:

Error mvncStatus was not declare in this scope

This error was existing in any places which contain work with mvnc.h

What can i do for fixed that??

Full trace:

# github.com/hybridgroup/go-ncs

ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_GetDeviceName(int, char*)’:

ncs.cpp:5:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncGetDeviceName(idx, name, NAME_SIZE);


ncs.cpp:6:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);


ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_OpenDevice(const char*, void**)’:

ncs.cpp:10:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncOpenDevice(name, deviceHandle);


ncs.cpp:11:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);


ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_CloseDevice(void*)’:

ncs.cpp:15:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncCloseDevice(deviceHandle);


ncs.cpp:16:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);


ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_AllocateGraph(void*, void**, void*, unsigned int)’:

ncs.cpp:20:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncAllocateGraph(deviceHandle, graphHandle, graphData, graphDataLen);


ncs.cpp:21:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);


ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_DeallocateGraph(void*)’:

ncs.cpp:25:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncDeallocateGraph(graphHandle);


ncs.cpp:26:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);


ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_LoadTensor(void*, void*, unsigned int)’:

ncs.cpp:30:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncLoadTensor(graphHandle, tensorData, tensorDataLen, NULL);


ncs.cpp:31:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);


ncs.cpp: In function ‘int ncs_GetResult(void*, ResultData*)’:

ncs.cpp:36:5: error: ‘mvncStatus’ was not declared in this scope

     mvncStatus r = mvncGetResult(graphHandle, &(resultData->data), &(resultData->length), &userParam);


ncs.cpp:37:16: error: ‘r’ was not declared in this scope

     return int(r);