
facebl0r not working

Closed this issue · 1 comments

After getting OpenCV installed from source and following your installation instructions of

  1. Clone repo
  2. ./autogen.sh
  3. ./configure
Compile frei0r-plugins 1.6.1 for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

    - INSTALL prefix: /usr/local
    - CPU optimization: YES
    - opencv: YES
              data dir:
    - gavl: NO
            gavl >= 0.2.3 not found - this program enables optional
            plugin with the gmerlin audio video library >= 0.2.3
    - cairo: NO
            cairo >= 1.0.0 not found - this program enables optional
            plugin with the Cairo 2D vector graphics library >= 1.0.0

Now you can run make.
  1. make -j
  2. sudo make install

Doing this seems to put a facebl0r.so in both /usr/local/lib/frei0r-1/facebl0r.so & /home/USER/frei0r/src/.libs/facebl0r.so

Moving either of these to a directory where FFmpeg can pick it up and run running ffmpeg -v debug -i ~/samplevideo.mp4 -vf "frei0r=facebl0r" ~/facebl0rtest.mp4 seems to run through the process but the final file is the same as the original with no effects applied?

Does the debug output mention which color format is passed to the facebl0r plugin?