
Dynexd sync failure

Link-x86 opened this issue · 1 comments

Compiled binaries from source v2.2.2c on ubuntu lts 22.04 blockchain sync gets stuck in a loop with the following output:

2023-Feb-19 11:49:08.452937 INFO [protocol] SYNCHRONIZATION started
2023-Feb-19 11:49:10.164602 INFO [Blockchain] Block 40ac01381685356fcb1d9ac97fae0dcdff386495277c07783829f8fc4879ba41, has too weak proof of work: 5aca1727bac9befd2ce1cbb244b2f46058fdced0f80f1336ddc7d12ee2180c3e, expected difficulty: 928375308
2023-Feb-19 11:49:11.647856 INFO [protocol] [ OUT] Sync data returned unknown top block: 112000 -> 116788 [4788 blocks (6 days) behind]
2023-Feb-19 11:49:11.647856 INFO [protocol] SYNCHRONIZATION started
2023-Feb-19 11:49:13.672633 INFO [Blockchain] Block 40ac01381685356fcb1d9ac97fae0dcdff386495277c07783829f8fc4879ba41, has too weak proof of work: 5aca1727bac9befd2ce1cbb244b2f46058fdced0f80f1336ddc7d12ee2180c3e, expected difficulty: 928375308
2023-Feb-19 11:49:14.485116 INFO [Blockchain] Block 40ac01381685356fcb1d9ac97fae0dcdff386495277c07783829f8fc4879ba41, has too weak proof of work: 5aca1727bac9befd2ce1cbb244b2f46058fdced0f80f1336ddc7d12ee2180c3e, expected difficulty: 928375308
2023-Feb-19 11:49:22.249986 INFO [protocol] [ OUT] Sync data returned unknown top block: 112000 -> 116788 [4788 blocks (6 days) behind]
2023-Feb-19 11:49:22.249986 INFO [protocol] SYNCHRONIZATION started

V2.2.2b got stuck in a similar loop at block height 108000. I've deleted /home/.DYNEX and reattempted with the same result.
I've tried copying the block files from the Windows precompiled binary which seems to have no issue syncing, and it reads fine but continues to issue the same error on whatever block that set of block files ended at. Precompiled linux binaries return illegal instruction errors. I'm attaching the log file, and at the end of it I ran set_log 4 so there is additional information.

Has been fixed with current version on main Git