
Talk is cheap, show me the donation receipts!

Opened this issue · 2 comments

If all of you donated $0.01 to any cause mentioned in the things y'all so easily RT I think all causes would be well funded.

That's an actual app idea. I see zero adoption because talk is cheap and people know it in their hearts.

We just need to track RTs by irrefutable means (e.g. a crypto transaction log of signed RTs).

We don't need to charge for every RT, only keep a tally and charge when the amount is reasonable. We can even "trade" obligations among the participants.

We can even prepay for RTing rights (e.g. I donate $100 yearly to EFF) and trade it. If I post EFF bound tweets anyone that retweets "uses" a bit of my donation and "gives" me a bit of theirs for other causes.

Being a plugin makes it easier to use.


I think [[mwiik]] could be interested in the 'irrefutable RTs' aspect of this; he's into [[tweetbonds]] although I'm not on the same page with him w.r.t. how feasible and irrefutable they actually are. A crypto transaction log seems better.

Overall I think this is a good idea, but my hunch is that the "show donation receipts" part of it is more important than irrefutability/crypto.

This relates to [[open ethics]].