

dyokomizo opened this issue · 0 comments

Synonyms are powerful tools to better grasp ideas and concepts. We can use them to better understand what sorts of meanings are implied or implicit:

  1. A browser plugin to replace all occurrences of a word by its synonyms or to highlight synonyms (or related words in a page). e.g. you click on "compassion" and it highlights all related word (e.g. "empathy," "sympathy," "love") and allows all to be replaced by a single one. Each selected word can be assigned a color and we can easily see the patterns in the text.

  2. Thesaurus grep: you search for a word but it also looks for synonyms.

  3. Levenshtein distance, but for concepts not letters. e.g. robots and AI are at edit distance "1". Thesaurus can be used for initial distance calculation.

  4. Similar to (3) but using word embeddings or BERT.