
Social Debunking

dyokomizo opened this issue · 3 comments

A browser plugin that lets you see what people that you trust noted about what you are seeing, be it about the site, author, subject (e.g. related keywords), or even the specific document.

It co-opts social networks from other sources (e.g. if you connect to your Twitter profile it brings information about your followers/followees).

It can be decentralized and as private as we want, for better or worse.

Imagine it on WhatsApp (maybe technically and legally impossible) or on Facebook. The first thing your relative sees when exposed to fake news is a 😡 and a note telling them you (a person they trust) already evaluated it and doesn't recommend.

I have an additional third view. Between the individual and the systems we have communities, sometimes overlapping and enclosing each other.

As long as we can trust each other in the communities (with caution, because trust is vulnerability) we can watch each other's back.

e.g. if I can, off band, form a group with a bunch of tweeps, a browser plugin could show me how my group rated a particular tweet, link from a tweet, author (including their followers/ees), etc.. Being able to attach counter evidence that'll be accessible to my group.

This doesn't need to be tied to a specific platform, most of it is adding metadata to URLs.

We can extend this as transitive trust later, with some sort of pagerank or bayesian notion of belief (e.g. A trusts B in domain X with some probability).

This model also works for group chats (but the plugin needs deeper access).

e.g. my aunt gets a message in a group chat, one I already debunked in another group and she trusts me through this plugin, so it can say "your nephew thinks this is bullshit".

It can also work to keep track of mistrust, e.g. "people that lied to you before are spreading this message too".

Obviously there are tons of failure modes, but I think if we keep these tools simple and offload the trust to the groups it is a much better world.

The wisdom of the ancients say this is maybe relevant Countermeasures for AMITT tactics and techniques.

Apps/platforms that could be used or extended for this purpose: [[hypothesis]] [[worldbrain]] [[promnesia]] [[agora]]