
getting these error in eng branch

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1. Error parsing option osdshadow-offset (option not found)
C:/mpv/current/portable_config/mpv.conf:93: setting option osdshadow-offset='0.5' failed.

Error parsing option osdshadow-color (option not found)
C:/mpv/current/portable_config/mpv.conf:94: setting option osdshadow-color='#FF000000' failed.

3. [input] The show-text option must be an integer: skip
[input] Command show-text: argument 2 can't be parsed: option parameter could not be parsed.
[input] Command was defined at C:/mpv/current/portable_config/input.conf:65.

[auto_profiles] Profile '8k-fix' condition: [string "profile 8k-fix condition"]:1: malformed number near '7000orp'
[auto_profiles] Profile 'fps-fix' condition: [string "profile fps-fix condition"]:1: malformed number near '47orp'
[auto_profiles] Profile 'video-sync' condition: [string "profile video-sync condition"]:1: malformed number near '0and'
[auto_profiles] Profile 'rot-fix' condition: [string "profile rot-fix condition"]:1: malformed number near '90orp'
[auto_profiles] Profile 'hdr-2390' condition: [string "profile hdr-2390 condition"]:1: '<eof>' expected near 'andp'

[uosc] script-opts/uosc.conf:181 unknown key 'foreground', ignoring
[uosc] script-opts/uosc.conf:182 unknown key 'foreground_text', ignoring
[uosc] script-opts/uosc.conf:183 unknown key 'background', ignoring
[uosc] script-opts/uosc.conf:184 unknown key 'background_text', ignoring