
NullReference exception

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I am not sure why this is happening but here is the stack trace and I am going to try to figure it out.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at SimpleSmtpInterceptor.Lib.Server.ClientHandler.WriteMessage(EmailHeader header, Email email) in C:\Dev\GitHub\simple-smtp-interceptor\SimpleSmtpInterceptor.Lib\Server\ClientHandler.cs:line 169
at SimpleSmtpInterceptor.Lib.Server.ClientHandler.HandleRequest() in C:\Dev\GitHub\simple-smtp-interceptor\SimpleSmtpInterceptor.Lib\Server\ClientHandler.cs:line 89

I have the message that blew everything up that I am going to test with.

Another observation is that it looks like equal signs are being thrown into seemingly random parts of the messages. I have no idea why.