Incompatible with other packages
Roh-codeur opened this issue · 4 comments
hey mate, it appears that installing Indicators downgrades HTTP. Can you please help with this
⌅ [cd3eb016] ↓ HTTP v1.5.5 ⇒ v0.9.17
it turns out the issue is with package Temporal.jl which has a hard dependency on HTTP 0.9. I have tried updating that and running tests, it all works fine. although, the URLs in that package seem out-of-date. I can submit a PR, but doesn't look like I have rights to create a branch
is this something you can help with please?
It would be nice if Indicators.jl didn't depend on Temporal.jl, as this prevents me from using Indicators.jl as well. The Julian way seems to be to make all packages as minimal wrt dependencies and functionality as possible, that makes for a more composable ecosystem. I think it's better to target AbstractArray and maybe Tables.jl and leave more concrete type integrations for downstream packages (ie TemporalIndicators.jl).
Yes if AbstractArray or Tables.jl are targetted by the package, it can be more compatible in the DataFrames
For example, I am planning to use these technical indicators on TSFrames objects
Switching to package extensions for integrating Temporal.jl could solve this issue.
JuliCon23 demo, documentation