
Linux support

mrqwer88 opened this issue · 1 comments

It writen only for freebsd?
In linux md5->md5sum and other keys to stat.
It work on linux whith -

@@ -86 +86 @@
-    local hash_module_path=$(md5 -q -s "$module_path")
+    local hash_module_path=$(echo "$module_path" | md5sum |awk {'print $1'})
@@ -116 +117 @@
-    echo $(stat -f "%Sm" -t "%s" $1)
+    echo $(stat -c "%Z" $1)

Hi, thanks for the feedback.
Yes it's writen for Darwin/FreeBSD.
I have merged your contribution, so it's should for work on Linux now (I have tested on Debian 7).