
Activated for android-x86

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$ adb -s shell sh /sdcard/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2/inject.sh
mkdir: '/data/local/tmp/2': File exists
cp: bad '/sdcard/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2/com.panda.gamepadinject.dex': No such file or directory
cp: bad '/sdcard/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2/com.panda.gamepadlibinject.so': No such file or directory
cp: bad '/sdcard/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2/com.chaozhuo.gameassistantinject.dex': No such file or directory
cp: bad '/sdcard/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2/com.chaozhuo.gameassistantlibinject.so': No such file or directory
chmod: chmod '/data/local/tmp/2' to 40777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'inject.sh' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'inject_wrapper.sh' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'config.ini' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'daemon.dex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'com.panda.mouseinject.dex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'com.panda.mouselibinject.so' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'oat' to 40777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'x86' to 40777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'daemon.vdex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'daemon.odex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'com.panda.mouseinject.vdex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'com.panda.mouseinject.odex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'x86_64' to 40777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'daemon.vdex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'daemon.odex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'com.panda.mouseinject.vdex' to 100777: Operation not permitted
chmod: chmod 'com.panda.mouseinject.odex' to 100777: Operation not permitted

I managed to run under the rights of root, then I run it says that there are not enough files, then I copied the folder from the phone and transferred it with the command, then I am told that everything is successful but activation does not occur

adb push /www/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2 /sdcard

$ adb shell sh /sdcard/.chaozhuo.gameassistant2/inject.sh
mkdir: '/data/local/tmp/2': File exists

$ adb -s shell nohup /system/bin/app_process64 -Djava.class.path=/data/local/tmp/2/daemon.dex /data/local/tmp/2 com.chaozhuo.gameassistant.daemon.DaemonService > /dev/null 2>&1 &
[1] 5241
$ adb -s shell nohup /system/bin/app_process64 -Djava.class.path=/data/local/tmp/2/daemon.dex /data/local/tmp/2 com.chaozhuo.gameassistant.daemon.DaemonService

sh /sdcard/Android/data/com.k2tap.master/files/exe/activate.sh