
Weekly for 10-28

Closed this issue · 20 comments

at15 commented

This time -> @ComMouse

新闻: Let's Encrypt: HTTPS 计划 (雾

mikesizz/observatory: an interface for Object.observe with mongodb style querying.

at15 commented


re @at15: pia @xsfour
@xsfour 小糊糊来投稿呀

at15 commented

api前面的封装层, rate limit, 认证, 基于 nginx (感觉真心不错啊, 水so水到imgur水到https://gelato.io 水到kong) 应该有种可以模仿某个用户习惯的爬虫....


还有 api 的状态监控, 包括自己的和第三方的 https://www.apianalytics.com/

No permission for the repo = = 😢

Realtime Topics:

- Swoole
- Swoole https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src
- Tencent's framework tsf: https://github.com/tencent-php/tsf

- BrainSocket https://github.com/BrainBoxLabs/brain-socket
- Laravel websocket library

- Redis http://redis.io
- Pub/Sub http://redis.io/topics/pubsub

- ZeroMQ http://zeromq.org/
- React Implementations: https://github.com/reactphp/zmq
- Wrapped messaging queue

To be continued...

PHP 7 Overview:

Laravel Repository Pattern:

Beginners Column:

- HTTP Basic
- Part I http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/http-the-protocol-every-web-developer-must-know-part-1--net-31177
- Part II http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/http-the-protocol-every-web-developer-must-know-part-2--net-31155
- REST API Tutorial http://www.restapitutorial.com/
- Principles of good RESTful API Design http://codeplanet.io/principles-good-restful-api-design/
(Leave it after recruit is finished)


- 12-Factor http://12factor.net/zh_cn/

@at15 给小豆加下权限....

我加了...... @ComMouse

at15 commented

and @ComMouse how is react php compared with swoole, and other async stuff like workerman

btw: just looked into workerman's repo ... seems the project structure is very simple

@at15@gaocegege 发起的 API 测试主题也加上吧.

@at15 React is packaged by a lot of components which can be used in other projects and have more third-party libs than the two other ones. It highlights PHP's implementation of Promise, Event-loop, etc. Ratchet is just one of the examples.

Swoole is favored by a lot of people by its high performance. However, third-party support is little. It would be a good platform after it's introduced to the westerners & more applications appear.

Workman's doc is good (Chinese), and it's a new project. Sorry for knowing little of it. The main reason why I recommend React is mainly because it has an async implementation of Redis.... Yes, just Redis... 😅

The better choice for development currently is still Node.js.

at15 commented

@ComMouse I'd rather use java instead of node in real projects. java is more mature than node, considering the language itself and libs

Mobile Application with HTML/CSS/JavaSript

@at15 Yeah.... However I'm not familiar with Java.... 😢 I'd prefer use js or ruby instead of Java until the Java Web course next semester...

Email received.