
Weekly for 2015/12/23

Closed this issue · 42 comments

  • C, compile and execute C "scripts" in one go!
at15 commented

@arrowrowe even it's just one command .... I'd rather write php ... php mie.php

@at15 prefer Node or Python's REPL...

at15 commented

@arrowrowe scala also have REPL, @精通scala的xyp


tensorflow.org 谷歌最近开源的机器学习引擎 学习中

at15 commented

推荐 git commit -v, 养成看清自己干了什么再 commit 的习惯.

推荐 OhMyZsh, 尝试 alias | grep git 看看它自带了些什么 Git 的快捷命令, 然后直接用这些.


Node stream handbook


at15 commented

@tq5124 前几天刚看了, 能跟系统的流交互还是很好玩的, btw: 你是不是该放假了?

@at15 是啊是啊,下礼拜回来。到闵行了在群里喊你们!

at15 commented

@tq5124 吼!(然而你肯定是先去找妹子....


Hey you Go guys! @at15 @gaocegege

Finally I am tired of right click in the treeview.

cc @LukeXuan

reply: @arrowrowe
Great thanks, tired of finding mouse to open files and folders when happily typing.

re @LukeXuan: I though typing atom xxx in a terminal better. Now... let's just ^!o.

at15 commented

Sit The Test HTML, CSS and JS tests and certificates

at15 commented
at15 commented
  • Fira Code, monospaced font with programming ligatures.

Instruction for Atom, Ubuntu

Download .otf files in the link below title Solution. Extract and install them. (Open a .otf file with font viewer and you'll see a install button.)

Follow Atom instructions, but add font-family: 'Fira Code'; as well. It should happen immediately after saving this style.less.

Possible Issues

cc @LukeXuan

at15 commented

btw: @arrowrowe 圣诞是不是邮件里改下style, 加点css?

at15 commented

re @at15: on it.

at15 commented

@arrowrowe maybe I should attach that RED image here?...

re @at15: no... don't....... I'll publish a template page later......

  • Markdown 新选择 (Madoko 的安利): 强大且系统的 Markdown 拓展, 支持 HTML 输出, 基于 LaTeX 的 PDF 输出, 基于 Reveal.js 的 HTML Slide 输出.
at15 commented
at15 commented

IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open.

at15 commented

@arrowrowe flying yet happily?....

Mail sent by @LukeXuan received.

re @arrowrowe Madoko is awesome~!

re @gaocegege: 😆