
Weekly for 2015/12/30

Closed this issue · 34 comments

第十三期 -> @at15 (由 @gaocegege 代理)


at15 commented

啦啦啦啦.... 那次是不是该新年了, 咩来个更喜庆的template?

OTL 还能喜庆么...

GitHub Browser Extensions

GitHub Hovercard (preview): hovercards for users, orgs, repos, issues, PRs. It's awesome.

Octotree: Tree view for files in the repo.

Octotree Preview

Isometric Contributions: a 3D GitHub contribution calendar.

Isometric Contributions Preview

Dashboard: filtering GitHub dashboard.

Dashboard Preview

API Blueprint compile markdown documents into swagger(?) json formats.

Frankly, I know little about the API design tools...

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HackMyResume Poster

cc @swaylq, time to finish your resume......

  • Khaos (khaos.io): Pick a template… answer a few questions… project created. Never copy-paste or start from scratch again.
at15 commented
at15 commented

@LukeXuan duplicate :)

re: @at15
Just see it on v2ex and paste it to here. sorry :)

at15 commented

@LukeXuan at least @gaocegege does not know that :), we should add a bot for check duplicate on weekly.

at15 commented


at15 commented
at15 commented

from zenany weekly

还有一封反对的文章, 是那个很有名的硅谷女工程师. 就不贴了

at15 commented

另外 @arrowrowe @ComMouse 感觉该有个 yearly 了...

at15 commented
at15 commented

re @at15: 已经看过并 unstar 了...

at15 commented

@arrowrowe 你咩... @gaocegege 你是不是又在线?

at15 commented

Poi Browser A browser based on electron, designed to play Kantai Collection more freely. SS included.

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at15 commented

我周四有2个大作业的pre还有半个学期的计组作业... 0.0 谁来替我一下?我下次补回来.... 要不 @gaocegege 来一次?....

  • Match-when: Finally a clear, succinct and safe syntax to do Pattern Matching in modern JavaScript.
at15 commented
at15 commented
at15 commented
  • https://github.com/naver/arcus naver在memcache上实现了list和B+tree ..... (我b+的repo还在烂尾。。。这周五就得见助教了,不能跟室友他们跨年了, 好好写java...) naver 是家韩国的搜索公司 @arrowrowe 话说韩国小哥加入dy之后就消失了的节奏....
  • Announcing vue-cli, scaffold a Vue.js SPA with hot-reload, lint-on-save & unit testing in 1 minute.

re @at15 : 我看了也不懂。。

Mails sent by @arrowrowe.