Stations and vehicles lists are empty
alexey-lukyanenko opened this issue · 7 comments
alexey-lukyanenko commented
Stations and vehicles lists are empty
dzavalishin commented
Thought I've fixed that. What kind of transport it was?
dzavalishin commented
I see. List of vehicles that belong to station is empty.
dzavalishin commented
Empty stations list is fixed. For vehicle lists I need more info on bug - I've checked bus/train lists, both global and per station and they're working.
alexey-lukyanenko commented
I'm sorry for late answer. Even global player vehicle list is empty.
alexey-lukyanenko commented
alexey-lukyanenko commented
I have a fix for this. Could you please open repo so that I can push a branch and create a pull request?
alexey-lukyanenko commented
Please disregard the above. I will create a PR via fork workflow.