
Articles titles case inconsistency

Closed this issue · 5 comments


There's a minor but annoying inconsistency regarding the letter cases used for the articles titles, more precisely some use:

Sentence case: "Use conventional commits to contribute to dzcode."
while others use
Title case: "How to Add your Article to dzCode."

I would personally recommend "Title case" as a proper and even aesthetically better option.
in case you agree, I already took the liberty to make the changes, let me know if you want that pull request.

thank you for the remark @Noisy96 , and also thank you for the PR, this is much needed!

i'm also thinking of adding a linting check for the title, to enforce one convention.

That would be good, however it may get tricky for none-native to apply to Title case rules flawlessly, as it's not super straight-forward,

I'd suggest:

  • you recommend using a converting tool such as convertcase and treating every title that doesn't respect the case as typo that needs correction.

enforcing a conversion with a function or blocking the merging for title case might be an overkill, may also create further problems.

Do you want a PR that corrects the current articles?

i see, for now, i will note down the suggestion "setup linting with warning level for title cases in Data", and think about a good automated solution, also, if you think you can help on this, please feel free to mess with the code 😀.

And yes, we will never say no to new PRs, so please go ahead and submit as much fixes as you can, that would be appreciated, we will create a new release after the second PR, please note that, better limit the changes to one stack folder per PR, for eg, put changes in the data folder in one PR, and changes in frontend folder in another PR, this will help in managing conflicts later, as we are currently working on a breaking change that will be published soon, see main branch

hey @Noisy96 please be informed that now the default branch is main with breaking changes, also a new version is deployed to production, please check again

seems like #240 resolved this issue, closing ...

feel free to reopen if the issue still there