
A simple .star file parser which allows Relion star file plotting, modification and conversion

Primary LanguagePython


A simple Relion .star file parser which allows Relion star file plotting, modification and conversion.

It read star file and converts this to the Pandas DataFrame what simplifies operations on the data, and finally saves star file.


To run the script some external libraries are required:

Python 3+ with:

  • matplotlib (plotting selected rows)
  • gemmi (provides star and cif file parser)
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • tqdm (completely obsolete but helpful while working with huge star files [shows progress])

The best setup:

Install own python enviroment:

python3 -m venv new-env

Activate enviroment:

source new-env/bin/activate

Install packages:

pip install numpy matplotlib pandas gemmi tqdm

Run script from command line (convert to Relion 3.0 star):

python Relion_simple_star_parser.py --i run_data.star --convert

Plot two columns:

python Relion_simple_star_parser.py --i run_it025_data.star --plot _rlnMaxValueProbDistribution --plot _rlnNrOfSignificantSamples

alt text

Plot two columns, where 1 is the particle index:

python Relion_simple_star_parser.py --i run_it025_data.star --plot index --plot _rlnDefocusU --plot_type line

alt text

Additional tools (not implemented via CLI yet)

It is possible to remove, modify and filter data in the star file. For now the only way to do it is changing the script. The data from star file is kept as the DataFrame, so all DataFrame options should work here too.

At the bottom of the script are some examples:

1. Divide the selected column by 10

particles_data_['_rlnMaxValueProbDistribution'] = particles_data_['_rlnMaxValueProbDistribution'].astype(float) / 10

2. Remove one column completely

particles_data_ = particles_data_.drop(columns = ['_rlnOpticsGroup'])

3. Filter data based on values in columns

particles_data_ = particles_data[particles_data['_rlnNrOfSignificantSamples'].astype(float) <= 10]
particles_data_ = particles_data_[particles_data['_rlnMaxValueProbDistribution'].astype(float) >= 0.5]

At the end save the the data as star:
