
misc reverse engineering plugins I have released over the years

Primary LanguageVBA

Handfull of misc olly and ida plugins I have created

   Script IDA in Javascript. uses IDASrvr to listen to WM_COPYDATA messages.
   script interface is in external process for ease of development. Uses scintinella
   control for syntax highlighting, and intellisense features. See screen shot.   

   as above but now using the dukdbg.ocx as full on javascript debugger. The ocx 
   is usable, but binary compatability has not been set yet so you may have to recompile
   one or both projects to use yourself.

   You set breakpoints in the UI and it will then run
   the app automating it and logging which ones were hit.

   allow you to set breakpoints within modules which have not yet been loaded.

   vbscript automation capability for olly including working across breakpoint events.
   also includes ollysync which is udp based remote control to query and control olly
   also can be used to send display sync commands to idavbscript while stepping in olly

   wm_copydata IPC server running in olly. allows you to query data from current process
   and sync display. 

   wm_copydata IPC server running in IDA. allows you to send commands to IDA from another
   process to query data and control interface display. used from my uGrapher wingraph32 
   replacement so when you click on a node it will navigate to the function in IDA.
   WM_COPYDATA was chosen because it is synchronous. Sample projects in many languages
   and also contains an ActiveX client library which is very easy to use.

   in progress...all offsets in this build will support x64 for both plw and p64 builds
   this is on the path for adding in p64 support for both 32bit and then 64 bit IDA versions
   grumble grumble.

   replaces default wingraph32, uses uDrawGraph. graphing up, still needs features. once
   idasrvr working again, it can navigate to nodes as you click then in the graph..not 
   sure i like uDraw graph after having used some other activeX controls. I already have
   this working and more in another way using the socket based ida control in idavbscript.
   but the uDrawGraph classes are nice and debugged. ported from pedrams python work on 

   ton of small tools for IDA all thrown into one interface. see screenshot.png for 
   details. also include a udp based command socket to send commands and receive data 
   from IDA from external apps. Used by olly_vbscript and wingraph32 replacement. 
   (not uGrapher)

   this replaces the udp command socket in idavbscript which was crashy. This will listen
   on udp 3333 for command messages and then proxy them to IDA. It uses the IDASrvr plugin
   and the \IDASrvr\ActiveX_clientLib. Used by olly_vbscript (ollysync) and wingraph32 

   another wingraph32 replacement using a 3rd party graphing ocx (see readme), see screen 
   shot for features. can also navigate IDA to selected nodes using the UDP socket in 
   idavbscript plugin.

   c# wingraph32 replacement using Microsoft GLEE library (free for non-commercial use)
   click on a node to navigate IDA to it. Right click menu to also rename functions within
   IDA, or prefix all nodes below. Uses IDASrvr see screen shot.

   logs http/https traffic with api injection to capture raw data regardless of ssl.