Unable to retrieve true YouTube video URL
geosphere opened this issue ยท 21 comments
I'm use Nextcloud 18 in container with Aria2 and youtube-dl in some container. Aria2 work fine, but youtube-dl work only manually.
Steps to reproduce
- Trying to download a Youtube video and catch error "Unable to retrieve true YouTube video URL"
- No matching log entries
- Open console and connect to docker:
docker exec -it cloud sh
- Trying to download manually:
/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl https://.....
- and this work fine
Expected behaviour
Actual behaviour
Server configuration detail
Operating system: Linux 5.5.0-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.5.17-1 (2020-04-21) x86_64
Webserver: nginx/1.17.8 (fpm-fcgi)
Database: pgsql PostgreSQL 9.6.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 7.2.0-1) 7.2.0, 64-bit
PHP version:
Modules loaded: Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, ctype, curl, dom, fileinfo, filter, gd, hash, iconv, json, mbstring, SPL, PDO, pdo_sqlite, bz2, posix, readline, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, standard, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, mysqlnd, cgi-fcgi, apcu, Phar, exif, ftp, gmp, imap, intl, ldap, mysqli, pcntl, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pgsql, zip, imagick, inotify, redis, smbclient, libsmbclient, Zend OPcache
Nextcloud version: 18.0.4 -
Updated from an older Nextcloud/ownCloud or fresh install: updated
Where did you install Nextcloud from: unknown
Signing status
List of activated apps
- accessibility: 1.4.0
- activity: 2.11.0
- admin_audit: 1.8.0
- analytics: 2.2.3
- announcementcenter: 3.7.0
- apporder: 0.9.0
- bookmarks: 3.0.10
- breezedark: 18.0.14
- bruteforcesettings: 1.6.0
- calendar: 2.0.3
- camerarawpreviews: 0.7.3
- checksum: 0.4.4
- cloud_federation_api: 1.1.0
- comments: 1.8.0
- contacts: 3.3.0
- cospend: 0.4.9
- dav: 1.14.0
- deck: 0.8.2
- drawio: 0.9.5
- external: 3.5.0
- federatedfilesharing: 1.8.0
- federation: 1.8.0
- files: 1.13.1
- files_accesscontrol: 1.8.1
- files_downloadactivity: 1.7.0
- files_external: 1.9.0
- files_frommail: 0.4.0
- files_markdown: 2.2.0
- files_pdfviewer: 1.7.0
- files_retention: 1.7.0
- files_rightclick: 0.15.2
- files_sharing: 1.10.1
- files_texteditor: 2.11.0
- files_trackdownloads: 1.7.0
- files_trashbin: 1.8.0
- files_versions: 1.11.0
- files_videoplayer: 1.7.0
- firstrunwizard: 2.7.0
- flowupload: 0.1.8
- gpxedit: 0.0.13
- gpxmotion: 0.0.11
- gpxpod: 4.2.1
- groupfolders: 6.0.6
- impersonate: 1.5.0
- issuetemplate: 0.6.0
- logreader: 2.3.0
- lookup_server_connector: 1.6.0
- mail: 1.3.4
- maps: 0.1.6
- metadata: 0.11.1
- music: 0.14.0
- nextcloud_announcements: 1.7.0
- notes: 3.3.0
- notifications: 2.6.0
- oauth2: 1.6.0
- occweb: 0.0.7
- ocdownloader: 1.7.7
- ocsms: 2.1.7
- passman: 2.3.5
- password_policy: 1.8.0
- phonetrack: 0.6.2
- photos: 1.0.0
- previewgenerator: 2.3.0
- privacy: 1.2.0
- provisioning_api: 1.8.0
- qownnotesapi: 20.1.0
- quota_warning: 1.7.0
- recommendations: 0.6.0
- serverinfo: 1.8.0
- settings: 1.0.0
- sharebymail: 1.8.0
- sharingpath: 0.2.2
- smb_test: 0.2.4
- sociallogin: 2.4.6
- socialsharing_diaspora: 2.0.0
- socialsharing_email: 2.0.0
- socialsharing_facebook: 2.0.0
- socialsharing_twitter: 2.0.0
- spreed: 8.0.8
- support: 1.1.0
- survey_client: 1.6.0
- systemtags: 1.8.0
- tasks: 0.12.2
- telephoneprovider: 1.0.3
- text: 2.0.0
- theming: 1.9.0
- theming_customcss: 1.5.0
- twofactor_backupcodes: 1.7.0
- twofactor_totp: 4.1.3
- updatenotification: 1.8.0
- viewer: 1.2.0
- w2g2: 3.0.1
- workflow_script: 1.3.1
- workflowengine: 2.0.0
- appointments
- circles
- dropit
- encryption
- files_automatedtagging
- files_fulltextsearch
- fulltextsearch
- richdocuments
- sharerenamer
- user_ldap
- user_saml
- user_usage_report
Configuration (config/config.php)
"datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"apps_paths": [
"path": "\/nextcloud\/apps",
"url": "\/apps",
"writable": false
"path": "\/apps2",
"url": "\/apps2",
"writable": true
"memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu",
"memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
"redis": {
"port": 0,
"timeout": 0,
"dbindex": 1
"instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"logtimezone": "Europe\/Kiev",
"logdateformat": "Y-m-d H:i:s",
"passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"trusted_domains": [
"overwrite.cli.url": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"overwritehost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"overwriteprotocol": "https",
"dbtype": "pgsql",
"version": "",
"dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbport": "",
"dbtableprefix": "oc_",
"dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"installed": true,
"mail_smtpmode": "smtp",
"mail_smtpauthtype": "LOGIN",
"mail_smtpauth": 1,
"mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_smtpsecure": "tls",
"mail_smtpport": "587",
"mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"maintenance": false,
"updater.release.channel": "stable",
"loglevel": 0,
"data-fingerprint": "ae85ed2460dfc8f1a3100b51adc85aa0",
"ldapIgnoreNamingRules": false,
"ldapProviderFactory": "\\OCA\\User_LDAP\\LDAPProviderFactory",
"log_type": "file",
"log_rotate_size": 1048576,
"debug": false,
"customclient_desktop": "https:\/\/nextcloud.com\/install\/#install-clients",
"customclient_android": "https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.nextcloud.client",
"allow_user_to_change_display_name": true,
"theme": "",
"enabledPreviewProviders": [
"has_rebuilt_cache": true
Are you using external storage, if yes which one: local/smb/sftp/...
Are you using encryption:
Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one: LDAP/ActiveDirectory/Webdav/...
Client configuration
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Operating system: Linux
Web server error log
No similar entries
Nextcloud log
No similar entries
Browser log
No similar entries
Similar error. FreeNAS-11.3-U1 + Nextcloud 18.0.4 + ARIA2. A couple of weeks ago was fine. Youtube-dl latest 2020.05.03 version and ocDownloader v1.7.7. PHP7.2
Manual downloading from command line works fine.
Did you set the right path in the admin setting section of ocDownloader for youtube-dl?
This is the default path. And yes, this path corresponds to the entry in the admin section.
It looks strange, but the download from YT works when I use the plugin for Firefox ocDownloader v1.6.2
. Global settings Audio/Video Format are ignoring, but the download is successful. And the same link in UI /apps/ocdownloader/add
brings an error
Can you try to revert to 1.7.6 to test if this PR (#158) might be the problem? It is strange because on a non-docker installation using the UI or extension works flawlessly.
I am running Nextcloud with ocdownloader on ubuntu 20.04 LTS but I also have the same issue.
Could be a newer version thats causing this since I just installed it on a seperate VM instead of in a Docker container.
EDIT: I am running this in combination with nextcloud and when trying to download via the chrome extension I get the same error
Similar error. FreeNAS-11.3-U1 + Nextcloud 18.0.4 + ARIA2. A couple of weeks ago was fine. Youtube-dl latest 2020.05.03 version and ocDownloader v1.7.7. PHP7.2
Manual downloading from command line works fine.
I downgraded app to ver 1.7.6 and this version works fine. Forget to mention - Nextcloud works in Jail of FreeNAS.
Can you try to revert this change if you have ocDownloader 1.7.7 installed and retry a Youtube download: fc18d43
I'm running 1.7.7 but how do I revert the a earlier version?
Can you try to revert this change if you have ocDownloader 1.7.7 installed and retry a Youtube download: fc18d43
I have to edit this controller/lib/youtube.php
file in my installation according to link above?
Can you try to revert this change if you have ocDownloader 1.7.7 installed and retry a Youtube download: fc18d43
I have to edit this
file in my installation according to link above?
this didn`t help
@RelyIz You can download earlier versions from https://github.com/e-alfred/ocdownloader/releases and extract them to the apps folder of your Nextcloud installation.
@MoucceuWildfire Yes, trying to change lines 72-76 in this file. As it didn't help, I have to look further into this.
Hi e-alfred. Want to thank you for this app at first. Maybe you can tell me how to change the source to add some logging. Just for debugging purposes. I want to help to find the problem. I successfully can use 1.7.6 ver but...
To debug the Youtube download link extraction, please insert throw new \Exception( "\$Output = $Output" );
at line 61 in controller/lib/youtube.php
and post the results from your Nextcloud log here to see if the link is extracted correctly.
Please also check the following settings to see if they match with yours:
Well my steps:
- Upgrade ocDownloader to 1.7.7
- Write the proper value in YouTube DL Audio Format bestaudio[abr<=75]
- Write in field YouTube DL Video Format best[width<=1280]
- App works well now.
Mentioned field was empty before.
I also restarted my instance of Nextcloud and App still works fine.
So problem was in empty field YouTube DL Audio Format and YouTube DL Video Format in "Additional settings" of Nextcloud. OcDownloader failed to fill this field with default value.
Thanks for very nice app Alfred!
If you want me to help investigate the bug further, let me know how.
The values for youtube-dl weren't correctly set initially for local downloads, this explains why it worked with the API. Fixed by cb6ced0.
Hello and sorry for re-opening this issue, i added the line to get debug output and here is what i get ( i have the Unable to retrieve true YouTube video URL
problem ) :
{"reqId":"24wmOJ7J9VnKyfJWJ6SF","level":3,"time":"2020-06-09T16:40:57+00:00","remoteAddr":"***HIDDEN IP***","user":"***HIDDEN USER***","app":"index","method":"POST","url":"/apps/ocdownloader/ytdownloader/add","message":{"Exception":"Exception","Message":"$Output = ","Code":0,"Trace":[{"file":"/var/www/cloud/apps/ocdownloader/controller/ytdownloader.php","line":150,"function":"getVideoData","class":"OCA\\ocDownloader\\Controller\\Lib\\YouTube","type":"->","args":[]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php","line":170,"function":"add","class":"OCA\\ocDownloader\\Controller\\YTDownloader","type":"->","args":[]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Http/Dispatcher.php","line":100,"function":"executeController","class":"OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher","type":"->","args":[{"__class__":"OCA\\ocDownloader\\Controller\\YTDownloader"},"Add"]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/lib/private/AppFramework/App.php","line":137,"function":"dispatch","class":"OC\\AppFramework\\Http\\Dispatcher","type":"->","args":[{"__class__":"OCA\\ocDownloader\\Controller\\YTDownloader"},"Add"]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteActionHandler.php","line":47,"function":"main","class":"OC\\AppFramework\\App","type":"::","args":["YTDownloaderController","Add",{"__class__":"OC\\AppFramework\\DependencyInjection\\DIContainer"},{"_route":"ocdownloader.YTDownloader.Add"}]},{"function":"__invoke","class":"OC\\AppFramework\\Routing\\RouteActionHandler","type":"->","args":[{"_route":"ocdownloader.YTDownloader.Add"}]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/lib/private/Route/Router.php","line":297,"function":"call_user_func","args":[{"__class__":"OC\\AppFramework\\Routing\\RouteActionHandler"},{"_route":"ocdownloader.YTDownloader.Add"}]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/lib/base.php","line":1007,"function":"match","class":"OC\\Route\\Router","type":"->","args":["/apps/ocdownloader/ytdownloader/add"]},{"file":"/var/www/cloud/index.php","line":37,"function":"handleRequest","class":"OC","type":"::","args":[]}],"File":"/var/www/cloud/apps/ocdownloader/controller/lib/youtube.php","Line":61,"CustomMessage":"--"},"userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.142 Safari/537.36","version":""}
So apparently no issue but i get an infinite loading while adding youtube video with webUI.
With webextension i have the same Unable to retrieve true YouTube video URL
My config :
The last 1.7.8 version of Ocdownloader
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Mariadb Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.44-MariaDB
I have same issue as @NewRedsquare !
EDIT: Fixed the issue. The log was showing the wrong youtube-dl path /usr/bin/youtube-dl
even though on the admin interface it looked good by default.
The fix:
- Delete the youtube-dl path field and click outside to save the setting
- Refill the path again
- Works !
ocDownloader 1.7.8
Nextcloud 19 official docker image
I have same issue as @NewRedsquare !
EDIT: Fixed the issue. The log was showing the wrong youtube-dl path
even though on the admin interface it looked good by default.The fix:
- Delete the youtube-dl path field and click outside to save the setting
- Refill the path again
- Works !
ocDownloader 1.7.8
Nextcloud 19 official docker image
same as u
but it doesn't work fine
Unable to retrieve true YouTube video URL
Also have this issue on
Ubuntu 20.04
Nextcloud 20.0.4
PHP 7.4.3
ocdownoader 1.7.10
Delete the youtube-dl path field and click outside to save the setting
Refill the path again
Works !
Didn't work. Also tried installing it with pip instead of apt-get and manually.
this app should be taken out of the Nextcloud store. There are SO MANY reports of this not working. It's clear that it's not mature, and is barely an alpha version.