
npm i ngx-tree -> empty folder

elvisbegovic opened this issue · 10 comments

it seems this npm can't be installed using npm i ngx-tree not your repo ? folder empty.

It's a pity that ngx-tree is preemptively registered by others without further development. So my package is published as @e-cloud/ngx-tree.

Sorry for the lack of document. I will update it with more detail info soon.

@e-cloud no news here... this project's itneresting coz without mobx, when you think improve to last angular version like change deprecated ngOutletContext to ngTemplateOutletContext to get it workin with v5 of angular
and make dist build on npm

@istiti what do you mean by ngOutletContext? There is no usage of them in this package anymore for such a while.

@e-cloud apologizes me, you are right there isn't ngOutletContext just checked ! can you make bundle of this on npm will add it instead angular-tree-component

in fact, it's already on npm, but it's published under my private scope @e-cloud/ngx-tree, and the package is public available.

yes but i treid to install it many times, it isn't easy (without readme)
actualy i install it with npm i @e-cloud/ngx-tree and import module like import { NgxTreeModule } from '@e-cloud/ngx-tree';
I got a lot errors telling me lodash-es not found function... so I installed npm i lodash-es then I need change something else, to migrate from angular-tree-component library to yours ?

because now to initialize I import this in my component import {TreeComponent} from '@e-cloud/ngx-tree';
then :
@ViewChild(TreeComponent) tree : TreeComponent = null;

then in a ngOnInit for some reason I want access to : this.tree.treeModel.nodes. but console error telling :

error TS2341: Property 'nodes' is private and only accessible within class 'TreeModel'.

then I have in template

<tree-root [nodes]="nodes" #tree>
  <ng-template #treeNodeTemplate let-node="node" let-index="index">

but i got this error:

Can't bind to 'nodes' since it isn't a known property of 'tree-root'. ...bla bla bla

so @e-cloud do you have pelase guidline to install and use this library easily?


I will try it today.

@istiti I've rewritten the docs and generate the gh-pages. Please have a look and see if it helps.

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