
url_for overwritten during app.create_jinja_environment

donalcarpenter opened this issue · 0 comments

I have been following the setup instructions. I have an app.py in my project and in there I create a new FlaskS3 instance and pass it the flask app instance. I can step through the process and I see app.jinja_env.globals being set for url_for correctly

from flask_s3 import FlaskS3
app = Flask(__name__)
s3 = FlaskS3(app)

However, when i make the first http request the method create_jinja_environment is called in the Flask base app object and this overwrites the url_for reference in jinja environment globals collection...

Does anyone else see this happening? Although my project has numerous other dependencies, looking at the stack trace it seems nothing else is triggering this behavior outside the normal Flask stack.

I am using Flask version 0.10.1 and Flask-S3 0.1.7

thanks, donal