
New submissions for Mon, 19 Jun 23

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Keyword: contrastive

CMLM-CSE: Based on Conditional MLM Contrastive Learning for Sentence Embeddings

Authors: Wei Zhang, Xu Chen
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09594
TLDR: Traditional comparative learning sentence embedding directly uses the encoder to extract sentence features, and then passes in the comparative loss function for learning. However, this method pays too much attention to the sentence body and ignores the influence of some words in the sentence on the sentence semantics. To this end, we propose CMLM-CSE, an unsupervised contrastive learning framework based on conditional MLM. On the basis of traditional design, an additional auxiliary network is added to integrate sentence
Repo: None

HomoGCL: Rethinking Homophily in Graph Contrastive Learning

Authors: Wen-Zhi Li, Chang-Dong Wang, Hui Xiong, Jian-Huang Lai
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09614
TLDR: Contrastive learning (CL) has become the de-facto learning paradigm in self-supervised learning on graphs, which generally follows the "augmenting-contrasting" learning scheme. However, we observe that unlike CL in computer vision domain, CL in graph domain performs decently even without augmentation. We conduct a systematic analysis of this phenomenon and argue that homophily, i.e., the principle that "like attracts like", plays a key role in
Repo: https://github.com/wenzhilics/homogcl

CLIPSonic: Text-to-Audio Synthesis with Unlabeled Videos and Pretrained Language-Vision Models

Authors: Hao-Wen Dong, Xiaoyu Liu, Jordi Pons, Gautam Bhattacharya, Santiago Pascual, Joan Serrà, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Julian McAuley
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09635
TLDR: Recent work has studied text-to-audio synthesis using large amounts of paired text-audio data. However, audio recordings with high-quality text annotations can be difficult to acquire. In this work, we approach text-To-audio translation using unlabeled videos and pretrained language-vision models. We propose to learn the desired text and audio correspondence by leveraging the visual modality as a bridge. We train a conditional diffusion model to generate the audio track of a video, given
Repo: None

Label-noise-tolerant medical image classification via self-attention and self-supervised learning

Authors: Hongyang Jiang, Mengdi Gao, Yan Hu, Qiushi Ren, Zhaoheng Xie, Jiang Liu
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09718
TLDR: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in medical image classification and achieve remarkable classification performance. These achievements heavily depend on large-scale accurately annotated training data. However, label noise is inevitably introduced in the medical image annotation, as the labeling process heavily relies on the expertise and experience of annotators. Meanwhile, DNNs suffer from overfitting noisy labels, degrading the performance of models. Therefore, in this work, we innovatively devise noise-robust training
Repo: None

Keyword: data augmentation

A Simple Data Augmentation for Feature Distribution Skewed Federated Learning

Authors: Yunlu Yan, Lei Zhu
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09363
TLDR: Federated learning (FL) facilitates collaborative learning among multiple clients in a distributed manner, while ensuring privacy protection. However, its performance is inevitably degraded as a result of data heterogeneity, i.e., non-IID data. In this paper, we focus on the feature distribution skewed FL scenario, which is widespread in real-world applications. The main challenge lies in the feature shift caused by the different underlying distributions of local datasets. While the previous attempts achieved progress, few studies
Repo: None

Cross-Modal Video to Body-joints Augmentation for Rehabilitation Exercise Quality Assessment

Authors: Ali Abedi, Mobin Malmirian, Shehroz S. Khan
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09546
TLDR: Exercise-based rehabilitation programs have been shown to enhance quality of life and reduce mortality and rehospitalizations. AI-driven virtual rehabilitation programs enable patients to complete exercises independently at home while AI algorithms can analyze exercise data to provide feedback to patients and report their progress to clinicians. This paper introduces a novel approach to assessing the quality of rehabilitation exercises using RGB video. Sequences of skeletal body joints are extracted from consecutive RGB video frames and analyzed by many-to-one sequential neural networks to
Repo: None

SLACK: Stable Learning of Augmentations with Cold-start and KL regularization

Authors: Juliette Marrie, Michael Arbel, Diane Larlus, Julien Mairal
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09998
TLDR: Data augmentation is known to improve the generalization capabilities of neural networks, provided that the set of transformations is chosen with care, a selection often performed manually. Automatic data augmentation aims at automating this process. However, most recent approaches still rely on some prior information; they start from a small pool of manually-selected default transformations that are either used to pretrain the network or forced to be part of the policy learned by the automatic data auguration algorithm. In this paper,
Repo: None

Keyword: knowledge graph

Sample-Efficient Learning of Novel Visual Concepts

Authors: Sarthak Bhagat, Simon Stepputtis, Joseph Campbell, Katia Sycara
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09482
TLDR: Despite the advances made in visual object recognition, state-of-the-art deep learning models struggle to effectively recognize novel objects in a few-shot setting where only a limited number of examples are provided. Unlike humans who excel at such tasks, these models often fail to leverage known relationships between entities in order to draw conclusions about such objects. In this work, we show that incorporating a symbolic knowledge graph (NSF) with a state of the-art recognition model enables a new approach
Repo: None

Relation-Aware Network with Attention-Based Loss for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Qiao Qiao, Yuepei Li, Kang Zhou, Qi Li
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09519
TLDR: Few-shot knowledge graph completion (FKGC) task aims to predict unseen facts of a relation with few-shot reference entity pairs. Current approaches randomly select one negative sample for each reference entity pair to minimize a margin-based ranking loss, which easily leads to a zero-loss problem if the negative sample is far away from the positive sample and then out of the margin. Moreover, the entity should have a different representation under a different context. To tackle these issues, we propose a
Repo: None

AUGUST: an Automatic Generation Understudy for Synthesizing Conversational Recommendation Datasets

Authors: Yu Lu, Junwei Bao, Zichen Ma, Xiaoguang Han, Youzheng Wu, Shuguang Cui, Xiaodong He
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09631
TLDR: High-quality data is essential for conversational recommendation systems and serves as the cornerstone of the network architecture development and training strategy design. Existing works contribute heavy human efforts to manually labeling or designing and extending recommender dialogue templates. However, they suffer from (i) the limited number of human annotators results in that datasets can hardly capture rich and large-scale cases in the real world, (ii) the limitations of annotators account for the uninformative corpus and (iii)
Repo: None

Keyword: legal

FFB: A Fair Fairness Benchmark for In-Processing Group Fairness Methods

Authors: Xiaotian Han, Jianfeng Chi, Yu Chen, Qifan Wang, Han Zhao, Na Zou, Xia Hu
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09468
TLDR: This paper introduces the Fair Fairness Benchmark (\textsf{FFB}), a benchmarking framework for in-processing group fairness methods. Ensuring fairness in machine learning is critical for ethical and legal compliance. However, there exist challenges in comparing and developing of fairness methods due to inconsistencies in experimental settings, lack of accessible algorithmic implementations, and limited extensibility of current fairness packages and tools. To address these issues, we introduce an open-source, standardized benchmark for
Repo: https://github.com/ahxt/fair_fairness_benchmark

Explaining Legal Concepts with Augmented Large Language Models (GPT-4)

Authors: Jaromir Savelka, Kevin D. Ashley, Morgan A. Gray, Hannes Westermann, Huihui Xu
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09525
TLDR: Interpreting the meaning of legal open-textured terms is a key task of legal professionals. An important source for this interpretation is how the term was applied in previous court cases. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of GPT-4 in generating factually accurate, clear and relevant explanations of terms in legislation. We compare the performance against a baseline setup: a direct application of the model, in the form of sentences from case law, and an augmented approach, where a
Repo: None

Friend or Foe? Exploring the Implications of Large Language Models on the Science System

Authors: Benedikt Fecher, Marcel Hebing, Melissa Laufer, Jörg Pohle, Fabian Sofsky
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09928
TLDR: The advent of ChatGPT by OpenAI has prompted extensive discourse on its potential implications for science and higher education. While the impact on education has been a primary focus, there is limited empirical research on the effects of large language models (LLMs) and LLM-based chatbots on science and scientific practice. To investigate this further, we conducted a Delphi study involving 72 experts specialising in research and AI. The study focused on applications and limitations of LLMs, their effects
Repo: None

Evaluating Superhuman Models with Consistency Checks

Authors: Lukas Fluri, Daniel Paleka, Florian Tramèr
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09983
TLDR: If machine learning models were to achieve superhuman abilities at various reasoning or decision-making tasks, how would we go about evaluating such models, given that humans would necessarily be poor proxies for ground truth? In this paper, we propose a framework for evaluating superhuman models via consistency checks. Our premise is that while the correctness of superhuman decisions may be impossible to evaluate, we can still surface mistakes if the model's decisions fail to satisfy certain logical, human-interpretable rules. We instantiate our
Repo: None

Keyword: mixup

GraphSHA: Synthesizing Harder Samples for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification

Authors: Wen-Zhi Li, Chang-Dong Wang, Hui Xiong, Jian-Huang Lai
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09612
TLDR: Class imbalance is the phenomenon that some classes have much fewer instances than others, which is ubiquitous in real-world graph-structured scenarios. Recent studies find that off-the-shelf Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) would under-represent minor class samples. We investigate this phenomenon and discover that the subspaces of minor classes being squeezed by those of the major ones in the latent space is the main cause of this failure. We are naturally inspired to enlarge the decision boundaries
Repo: https://github.com/wenzhilics/graphsha

Label-noise-tolerant medical image classification via self-attention and self-supervised learning

Authors: Hongyang Jiang, Mengdi Gao, Yan Hu, Qiushi Ren, Zhaoheng Xie, Jiang Liu
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09718
TLDR: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in medical image classification and achieve remarkable classification performance. These achievements heavily depend on large-scale accurately annotated training data. However, label noise is inevitably introduced in the medical image annotation, as the labeling process heavily relies on the expertise and experience of annotators. Meanwhile, DNNs suffer from overfitting noisy labels, degrading the performance of models. Therefore, in this work, we innovatively devise noise-robust training
Repo: None

Keyword: multi-task

Equitable Multi-task Learning

Authors: Jun Yuan, Rui Zhang
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09373
TLDR: Multi-task learning (MTL) has achieved great success in various research domains, such as CV, NLP and IR etc. Due to the complex and competing task correlation, na\"ive training all tasks may lead to inequitable learning, \textit{i.e.} some tasks are learned well while others are overlooked. Multi-task optimization (MTO) aims to improve all tasks at same time, but conventional methods often perform poor when tasks with large loss scale or
Repo: None

Learning to Assist and Communicate with Novice Drone Pilots for Expert Level Performance

Authors: Kal Backman, Dana Kulić, Hoam Chung
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09600
TLDR: Multi-task missions for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) involving inspection and landing tasks are challenging for novice pilots due to the difficulties associated with depth perception and the control interface. We propose a shared autonomy system, alongside supplementary information displays, to assist pilots to successfully complete multi-Task missions without any pilot training. Our approach comprises of three modules: (1) a perception module that encodes visual information onto a latent representation, (2) a policy module that augments pilot's
Repo: None

Meta Generative Flow Networks with Personalization for Task-Specific Adaptation

Authors: Xinyuan Ji, Xu Zhang, Wei Xi, Haozhi Wang, Olga Gadyatskaya, Yinchuan Li
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09742
TLDR: Multi-task reinforcement learning and meta-reinforcement learning have been developed to quickly adapt to new tasks, but they tend to focus on tasks with higher rewards and more frequent occurrences, leading to poor performance on tasks of sparse rewards. To address this issue, GFlowNets can be integrated into meta-learning algorithms (GFlowMeta) by leveraging the advantages of GFlowHosts and GFlowNeets on tasks that have high rewards and low rewards, respectively. However,
Repo: None

Keyword: paraphrase

Pushing the Limits of ChatGPT on NLP Tasks

Authors: Xiaofei Sun, Linfeng Dong, Xiaoya Li, Zhen Wan, Shuhe Wang, Tianwei Zhang, Jiwei Li, Fei Cheng, Lingjuan Lyu, Fei Wu, Guoyin Wang
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09719
TLDR: Despite the success of ChatGPT, its performances on most NLP tasks are still well below the supervised baselines. In this work, we looked into the causes, and discovered that its subpar performance was caused by the following factors: (1) token limit in the prompt does not allow for the full utilization of the supervised datasets; (2) mismatch between the generation nature of ChatgPT and NLP approaches; (3) intrinsic pitfalls of LLMs models, e.
Repo: None

Keyword: robustness

A Multi-Level, Multi-Scale Visual Analytics Approach to Assessment of Multifidelity HPC Systems

Authors: Shilpika, Bethany Lusch, Murali Emani, Filippo Simini, Venkatram Vishwanath, Michael E. Papka, Kwan-Liu Ma
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09457
TLDR: The ability to monitor and interpret of hardware system events and behaviors are crucial to improving the robustness and reliability of these systems, especially in a supercomputing facility. The growing complexity and scale of these Systems demand an increase in monitoring data collected at multiple fidelity levels and varying temporal resolutions. In this work, we aim to build a holistic analytical system that helps make sense of such massive data, mainly the hardware logs, job logs, and environment logs collected from disparate subsystems and components of
Repo: None

FedMultimodal: A Benchmark For Multimodal Federated Learning

Authors: Tiantian Feng, Digbalay Bose, Tuo Zhang, Rajat Hebbar, Anil Ramakrishna, Rahul Gupta, Mi Zhang, Salman Avestimehr, Shrikanth Narayanan
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09486
TLDR: Over the past few years, Federated Learning (FL) has become an emerging machine learning technique to tackle data privacy challenges through collaborative training. In the Federated learning algorithm, the clients submit a locally trained model, and the server aggregates these parameters until convergence. Despite significant efforts that have been made to FL in fields like computer vision, audio, and natural language processing, the FL applications utilizing multimodal data streams remain largely unexplored. It is known that multimodial learning
Repo: None

CAJun: Continuous Adaptive Jumping using a Learned Centroidal Controller

Authors: Yuxiang Yang, Guanya Shi, Xiangyun Meng, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang, Jie Tan, Byron Boots
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09557
TLDR: We present CAJun, a novel hierarchical learning and control framework that enables legged robots to jump continuously with adaptive jumping distances. CAJun consists of a high-level centroidal policy and a low-level leg controller. In particular, we use reinforcement learning (RL) to train the centroidally policy, which specifies the gait timing, base velocity, and swing foot position for the leg controller, The leg controller optimizes motor commands for the swing and stance legs according to
Repo: None

DeepMPR: Enhancing Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Networks through Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Saeed Kaviani, Bo Ryu, Ejaz Ahmed, Deokseong Kim, Jae Kim, Carrie Spiker, Blake Harnden
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09637
TLDR: Opportunistic routing relies on the broadcast capability of wireless networks. It brings higher reliability and robustness in highly dynamic and/or severe environments such as mobile or vehicular ad-hoc networks (MANETs/VANETs). To reduce the cost of broadcast, multicast routing schemes use the connected dominating set (CDS) or multi-point relaying (MPR) set to decrease the network overhead and hence, their selection algorithms are critical. Common MPR
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Enabling BIM-Driven Robotic Construction Workflows with Closed-Loop Digital Twins

Authors: Xi Wang, Hongrui Yu, Wes McGee, Carol C. Menassa, Vineet R. Kamat
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09639
TLDR: Robots can greatly alleviate physical demands on construction workers while enhancing both the productivity and safety of construction projects. Leveraging a Building Information Model (BIM) offers a natural and promising approach to drive a robotic construction workflow. However, because of uncertainties inherent on construction sites, such as discrepancies between the designed and as-built workpieces, robots cannot solely rely on the BIM to guide field construction work. Human workers are adept at improvising alternative plans with their creativity and experience and thus
Repo: None

Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Semantic Communication Systems

Authors: Jiajia Shi, Tse-Tin Chan, Haoyuan Pan, Tat-Ming Lok
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09650
TLDR: Semantic communication, which focuses on conveying the meaning of information rather than exact bit reconstruction, has gained considerable attention in recent years. Meanwhile, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is a promising technology that can achieve high spectral and energy efficiency by dynamically reflecting incident signals through programmable passive components. In this paper, we put forth a semantic communication scheme aided by RIS. Using text transmission as an example, experimental results demonstrate that the RIS-assisted semantic communication system outperforms the
Repo: None

Cross-corpus Readability Compatibility Assessment for English Texts

Authors: Zhenzhen Li, Han Ding, Shaohong Zhang
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09704
TLDR: Text readability assessment has gained significant attention from researchers in various domains. However, the lack of exploration into corpus compatibility poses a challenge as different research groups utilize different corpora. In this study, we propose a novel evaluation framework, Cross-corpus text Readability Compatibility Assessment (CRCA), to address this issue. The framework encompasses three key components: (1) Corpus: CEFR, CLEC, CLOTH, NES, OSP, and RACE. L
Repo: None

Pushing the Limits of ChatGPT on NLP Tasks

Authors: Xiaofei Sun, Linfeng Dong, Xiaoya Li, Zhen Wan, Shuhe Wang, Tianwei Zhang, Jiwei Li, Fei Cheng, Lingjuan Lyu, Fei Wu, Guoyin Wang
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09719
TLDR: Despite the success of ChatGPT, its performances on most NLP tasks are still well below the supervised baselines. In this work, we looked into the causes, and discovered that its subpar performance was caused by the following factors: (1) token limit in the prompt does not allow for the full utilization of the supervised datasets; (2) mismatch between the generation nature of ChatgPT and NLP approaches; (3) intrinsic pitfalls of LLMs models, e.
Repo: None

Efficient Search and Detection of Relevant Plant Parts using Semantics-Aware Active Vision

Authors: Akshay K. Burusa, Joost Scholten, David Rapado Rincon, Xin Wang, Eldert J. van Henten, Gert Kootstra
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09801
TLDR: To automate harvesting and de-leafing of tomato plants using robots, it is important to search and detect the relevant plant parts, namely tomatoes, peduncles, and petioles. This is challenging due to high levels of occlusion in tomato greenhouses. Active vision is a promising approach which helps robots to deliberately plan and detect plant parts in the real world. However, current active-vision algorithms cannot differentiate between relevant and irrelevant plant parts. We propose a semantic active-
Repo: None

Building Blocks for a Complex-Valued Transformer Architecture

Authors: Florian Eilers, Xiaoyi Jiang
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09827
TLDR: Most deep learning pipelines are built on real-valued operations to deal withreal-valued inputs such as images, speech or music signals. However, a lot of applications naturally make use of complex-valued signals or images, such as MRI or remote sensing. Additionally the Fourier transform of signals is complex-variable and has numerous applications. We aim to make deep learning directly applicable to these complex-rated signals without using projections into $\mathbb{R}^2$. Thus we add
Repo: None

Wasserstein distributional robustness of neural networks

Authors: Xingjian Bai, Guangyi He, Yifan Jiang, Jan Obloj
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09844
TLDR: Deep neural networks are known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks (AA). For an image recognition task, this means that a small perturbation of the original can result in the image being misclassified. Design of such attacks as well as methods of adversarial training against them are subject of intense research. We re-cast the problem using techniques of Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (DRO) and obtain novel contributions leveraging recent insights from DRO sensitivity analysis. We consider a
Repo: None

Tactile-Reactive Roller Grasper

Authors: Shenli Yuan, Shaoxiong Wang, Radhen Patel, Megha Tippur, Connor Yako, Edward Adelson, Kenneth Salisbury
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09946
TLDR: Manipulation of objects within a robot's hand is one of the most important challenges in achieving robot dexterity. The "Roller Graspers" refers to a family of non-anthropomorphic hands utilizing motorized, rolling fingertips to achieve in-hand manipulation. These graspers manipulate grasped objects by commanding the rollers to exert forces that propel the object in the desired motion directions. In this paper, we explore the possibility of robot in-Hand manipulation through tactile-guided rolling. We
Repo: None

Towards Better Certified Segmentation via Diffusion Models

Authors: Othmane Laousy, Alexandre Araujo, Guillaume Chassagnon, Marie-Pierre Revel, Siddharth Garg, Farshad Khorrami, Maria Vakalopoulou
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09949
TLDR: The robustness of image segmentation has been an important research topic in the past few years as segmentation models have reached production-level accuracy. However, like classification models, segmentation model can be vulnerable to adversarial perturbations, which hinders their use in critical-decision systems like healthcare or autonomous driving. Recently, randomized smoothing has been proposed to certify segmentation predictions by adding Gaussian noise to the input to obtain theoretical guarantees. However the method exhibits a trade
Repo: None

You Don't Need Robust Machine Learning to Manage Adversarial Attack Risks

Authors: Edward Raff, Michel Benaroch, Andrew L. Farris
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09951
TLDR: The robustness of modern machine learning (ML) models has become an increasing concern within the community. The ability to subvert a model into making errant predictions using seemingly inconsequential changes to input is startling, as is our lack of success in building models robust to this concern. Existing research shows progress, but current mitigations come with a high cost and simultaneously reduce the model's accuracy. However, such trade-offs may not be necessary when other design choices could sub
Repo: None

A Numerically Robust and Stable Time-Space Pseudospectral Approach for Generalized Burgers-Fisher Equation

Authors: Harvindra Singh, Lokendra Balyan, A.K. Mittal, Parul Saini
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09988
TLDR: In this article, we present the time-space Chebyshev pseudospectral method (TS-CPsM) to approximate a solution to the generalised Burgers-Fisher (gBF) equation. The Chebysherev-Gauss-Lobatto (CGL) points serve as the foundation for the recommended method, which makes use of collocations in both the time and space directions. Further, using a mapping, the non-homogeneous initial
Repo: None

Group Orthogonalization Regularization For Vision Models Adaptation and Robustness

Authors: Yoav Kurtz, Noga Bar, Raja Giryes
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.10001
TLDR: As neural networks become deeper, the redundancy within their parameters increases. This phenomenon has led to several methods that attempt to reduce the correlation between convolutional filters. We propose a computationally efficient regularization technique that encourages orthonormality between groups of filters within the same layer. Our experiments show that when incorporated into recent adaptation methods for diffusion models and vision transformers (ViTs), this regularization improves performance on downstream tasks. We further show improved robustness when group orthogon
Repo: https://github.com/yoavkurtz/gor

Keyword: scholarly

I Want This, Not That: Personalized Summarization of Scientific Scholarly Texts

Authors: Vasudha Bhatnagar, Alka Khurana, Vikas Kumar
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09604
TLDR: In this paper, we present a proposal for an unsupervised algorithm, P-Summ, that generates an extractive summary of scientific scholarly text to meet the personal knowledge needs of the user. The method delves into the latent semantic space of the document exposed by Weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization, and scores sentences in consonance with the knowledge needs. The novelty of the algorithm lies in its ability to include desired knowledge and eliminate unwanted knowledge in the personal summary. We
Repo: None

Uncited articles and their effect on the concentration of citations

Authors: Diego Kozlowski1, Jens Peter Andersen, Vincent Larivière
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09911
TLDR: Empirical evidence demonstrates that citations received by scholarly publications follow a pattern of preferential attachment, resulting in a power-law distribution. Such asymmetry has sparked significant debate regarding the use of citations for research evaluation. However, a consensus has yet to be established concerning the historical trends in citation concentration. Are citations becoming more concentrated in a small number of articles? Or have recent geopolitical and technical changes in science led to more decentralized distributions? This ongoing debate stems from a lack of technical clarity
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Evaluating the Efficacy of ChatGPT-4 in Providing Scientific References across Diverse Disciplines

Authors: Zhi Cao
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09914
TLDR: This work conducts a comprehensive exploration into the proficiency of OpenAI's ChatGPT-4 in sourcing scientific references within an array of research disciplines. Our in-depth analysis encompasses a wide scope of fields including Computer Science (CS), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical Engineering (EE), Biomedical Engineering (BME), and Medicine, as well as their more specialized sub-domains. Our empirical findings indicate a significant variance in ChatGPL-4's performance across these disciplines. Notably
Repo: None

Keyword: summarization

Using Natural Language Processing and Networks to Automate Structured Literature Reviews: An Application to Farmers Climate Change Adaptation

Authors: Sofia Gil-Clavel, Tatiana Filatova
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09737
TLDR: The fast-growing number of research articles makes it problematic for scholars to keep track of the new findings related to their areas of expertise. Furthermore, linking knowledge across disciplines in rapidly developing fields becomes challenging for complex topics like climate change that demand interdisciplinary solutions. At the same time, the rise of Black Box types of text summarization makes it difficult to understand how text relationships are built, let alone relate to existing theories conceptualizing cause-effect relationships and permitting hypothesizing. This work aims
Repo: None

Learning to Summarize and Answer Questions about a Virtual Robot's Past Actions

Authors: Chad DeChant, Iretiayo Akinola, Daniel Bauer
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09922
TLDR: When robots perform long action sequences, users will want to easily and reliably find out what they have done. We therefore demonstrate the task of learning to summarize and answer questions about a robot agent's past actions using natural language alone. A single system with a large language model at its core is trained to both summarize and update questions about action sequences given ego-centric video frames of a virtual robot and a question prompt. To enable training of question answering, we develop a method to automatically generate English
Repo: None

Keyword: text generation

AUGUST: an Automatic Generation Understudy for Synthesizing Conversational Recommendation Datasets

Authors: Yu Lu, Junwei Bao, Zichen Ma, Xiaoguang Han, Youzheng Wu, Shuguang Cui, Xiaodong He
Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09631
TLDR: High-quality data is essential for conversational recommendation systems and serves as the cornerstone of the network architecture development and training strategy design. Existing works contribute heavy human efforts to manually labeling or designing and extending recommender dialogue templates. However, they suffer from (i) the limited number of human annotators results in that datasets can hardly capture rich and large-scale cases in the real world, (ii) the limitations of annotators account for the uninformative corpus and (iii)
Repo: None