
Any Possibility of a PHP version

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Any Possibility of a PHP version ?

This project implements .htaccess support in the nginx webserver - you can continue to use any language to serve your site that you wish. Most of my testing is actually with PHP pages, served through nginx via PHP-FPM. I have confirmed that WordPress, for example, works fine.

This project implements .htaccess support in the nginx webserver - you can continue to use any language to serve your site that you wish. Most of my testing is actually with PHP pages, served through nginx via PHP-FPM. I have confirmed that WordPress, for example, works fine.

Yea I get you.

Just that I'm looking for something written in PHP, and not Lua or C .

That way, I could easily integrate it to my existing workFlow

This is written in Lua since that language has a module available and it seems to be the most popular for nginx scripting. There is no PHP module as far as I know, which is unsurprising due to how heavyweight PHP is. That said, there are official ones for perl and javascript that you might look at.