
Having trouble with page break, there is a huge margin on top of the second page.

sh00nyan opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using html2df in Vue 3 application. I have following code in my component.

const exportToPDF = () => {
  const element = document.getElementById('print-content')
  const options = {
    margin: 2,
    filename: 'test-summary.pdf',
    image: { type: 'jpeg', quality: 1 },
    html2canvas: {
      dpi: 300,
      scale: 2,
      useCORS: true,
      allowTaint: true,
      backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',
      letterRendering: true,
      width: 1440,
    jsPDF: {
      unit: 'mm',
      format: 'a4',
      orientation: 'portrait',
      compress: true,

and in the HTML/template section

<div class="html2pdf__page-break"></div>

second page content...


As can be seen in the attached generated pdf (second page) there is a huge margin on the top. How do I resolve this ?

Looks like I have the same issue as #357

I have tried the workaround suggested there and the issue is resolved.