Connect components to esp8266
Opened this issue · 2 comments
ATECC508A: sda -> gpio 12 (D6) , scl -> gpio 14 (D5)
Step stick: enable -> gpio 4 (D2), dir -> gpio 13 (D7), step -> gpio 15 (D8)
Sw1: gpio0 (D3) (lock opened/closed)
Sw2: gpio5 (D1) (door opened/closed)
Sw3: gpio3 (D9) (?)
Adc: needed??
Some info on pins:
ESP12 schematics:
Pin D9 (SW3) is the same as pin Rx. Do you think a different pin should be used (D0)? What is the purpose of switch SW3?
I think ADC is not needed.
Also, do you want any fixed value for microstepping or jumpers so that it can be modified?
SW3 was just to have an extra input, but you are right can't go on gpio3. gpio16 seems like it can be used as general io pin. It's also used when using sleep mode, but we don't need it right now. The only difference with the other inputs is (according to this) gpio16 has a built in pulldown resistor, whereas the rest have a built in pullup resistor.
Microstepping can be fixed, don't think we need fine stepping.