
[Victory] Last applicable rule doesn't disappear after apply match

Ayurshi opened this issue · 2 comments

Current behaviour: When the last rule is applied, the rule doesn't disappear from the UI and apply match button remains active.
Expected behaviour: The rule should disappear and probably a reassuring message on the UI window such as "the transformation is complete, you may save the model"
Screenshot shows the last applicable rule and it doesn't disappear.
Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at 9 05 27 PM

I would like to restate this issue w.r.t the latest Victory version:
As shown in the below screenshot, the last applicable rule is already applied and as it can be seen from the console window the process has completed. Although victory receives no feedback at this point and keeps the applicable rule active (visually not functionally), also because of this the protocol step eMoflon/emoflon-ibex-ui#2 is not created. Thus feedback at this point should definitely be sent out to victory.
Screen Shot 2019-08-09 at 1 17 12 PM

Interesting point: From the console it is clear that IBeX has completed the transformation and terminated (but Victory doesn't realise this). This kind of termination is impossible for the model generator.