
Can't make any settings changes

ajgringo619 opened this issue · 12 comments

(Linux Mint 19.3 XFCE)
When I click on the tray icon, then select Settings, I cannot change any of the ad blocking values. I wanted to test the app without any ad blockers as I'm subscribed to Office 365 and don't get ads anymore anyways.

eNkru commented

Normally you can just click to focus t he text input and typing something in it.

What's your setting UI looks like? could you share a screenshot?

I've attached my one.

I can select one of the settings, but I can't change any of the data.


eNkru commented

those are default values. what if you just click to select and start typing?

Nothing happens. I can't even highlight the text to cut/paste.

eNkru commented

That's weird. Could you change the Home URL on the bottom? it's a dropdown(up) list contains two options.

Another question is, are you build your own package?

Yes, I can change the home URL (at least the option is available).
No, I used the available deb.

eNkru commented

That package is built a year ago. Do you keen to try this one


Let me know if you have the same problem

Link doesn't work (404- file not found).

eNkru commented

Link doesn't work (404- file not found).


try this one instead

That did the trick - thanks! I changed all of the ads settings to a single space (it would not allow an empty entry) and it works just fine.

eNkru commented

Thank you for the feedback. I reckon your previous issue is due to some old version, it's been year ago for the last release.

I might release a new version soon.

eNkru commented


The updated package also available in the new release 1.0.1