
Uncontrollable flickering in Wayland viewing any file

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Following a recent update, imv started flickering uncontrollably all the time. It seems to be continually switching between an upscaled image and the original image. This short clip shows the behavior:


imv loads the image and is immediately flickering. I then scale the image up and then down but it continues flickering throughout. Note that imv does continue being responsive, i.e., all keyboard commands continue functioning and it exits cleanly.

Environment is Arch Linux using Wayland (sway) on a Lenovo Thinkpad. I see the same behavior from both imv v4.1.0 currently packaged in the AUR as well as imv-wayland v4.2.0 built from git a4bb341. The imv config file in ~/.config/imv/config has only comments. Image file or type doesn't matter, this happens with a wide variety of PNGs and JPGs. Listing multiple files or only one file on the command line doesn't make a difference, and neither does switching between them.

This is strange, as I do my development on Arch, with sway on a Lenovo thinkpad and have never encountered this. I just installed the imv package from the Arch repos and it works fine for me. Can you be more detailed about which versions of Arch packages you have?

For me:

  • imv 4.2.0-2
  • sway 1:1.5.1-1
  • freeimage 3.18.0-7
  • linux 5.9.14.arch1-1

I'd also ask you to try running imv-wayland image.png instead of imv image.png to check that /usr/bin/imv isn't launching the X11 version inadvertantly for you.

Lastly, in that video it looks like imv is started floating rather than tiled. Can you share any custom configuration you have for how sway arranges the imv window?

It's definitely related to floating. I had forgotten until you mentioned it that I have imv configured to open floating, that's not imv's standard behavior. It's done via this in my sway config:

for_window [app_id="imv"] floating enable

That is the only imv specific part of my sway config, and i don't think there's anything else in there manipulating layout in that way. But I have attached my config just in case it's useful.

If I comment that line out, imv opens in a tiled window correctly and shows no issue. Curiously, if I switch the tiled window to floating mode there is no issue, I get the expected stable behavior. So the problem seems related to starting in floating mode, as opposed to just being in floating mode, which was not a problem until the past few weeks or so (the sway config included that line previously and worked as expected). Starting in fullscreen mode via a similar sway config presents no problem.

For reference, my packages are at:

  • imv 4.1.0-2
  • sway 1:1.5.1-1
  • freeimage 3.18.0-7
  • linux 5.9.8.arch1-1

But again note that it also happens w/ imv 4.2.0 from git.

Using imv-wayland explicitly doesn't change the behavior.


I've got the same problem here, but when I disable my scale factor on sway config, imv work properly.

Thanks @ephase - scaling was the key for me to reproduce this locally.