
Words cut off in documentation definition lists because of bootstrap CSS

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Definition lists in apps that use shared-resources CSS, such as the documentation app's article on serialization http://exist-db.org/exist/apps/doc/xquery.xml#serialization-10, cut off words. The fix is to override bootstrap's default handling of .dl-horizontal dt to change white-space: nowrap to white-space: normal. Perhaps this override should happen in the exist.css file. The screenshots below illustrate the current problem, how the appearance is fixed by changing white-space to normal, and a further fix to add indentation to multi-line entries with padding-left: 1em; text-indent: -1em.

I'd submit a pull request for this, but I'm not sure whether the change should go into .css or .less files.

Current behavior:

screen shot 2014-03-04 at 2 34 35 pm

With white-space: normal

screen shot 2014-03-04 at 2 34 43 pm

With indentation added

screen shot 2014-03-04 at 2 35 20 pm

is this now fixed?

Yes, judging by a visit to the page linked in my initial report, it is fixed! I'll close the issue.

Sorry, somehow I missed this notification.

Thanks so much!