
Is it oposite condition?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This condition represent config doesn't have load_balancer_name key, so I think it would be oposite condition.

if !load_balancer_given?

And also it is the same pattern at target group section

So... what is your suggested change that you think is correct? I'd like to hear explanation like "with this Jsonnet file, I expect XXX, but actually got YYY".

My intended behavior is also expressed in the example file in #80 .

Sorry for my lack of explanation...

Using below condition, it couldn't create load balancer newly when load balancer name is given.

!load_balancer_given? && !load_balancer
It means "no load balancer name in config" and "no load balancer created", doesn't it.
And, it can create load balancer only "no load balancer name in config".

So, I expected unless load_balancer, but actually got !load_balancer_given? && !load_balancer
Because, it just create load balancer in this condition not attach target group.

I expected like below

  • no LB config && no load balancer => create hako prefix LB
  • with LB config && no load balancer => create LB with config name
  • with LB config && load balancer exist => do nothing


At target group condition is the same as load balancer, because it just create target group not attach to load balancer.

supplement: I thought #80 means attach target group with hako prefix at existing load balancer, but I could be wrong.