
Completion isn't working for local functions or modules

wedens opened this issue · 8 comments

Completion works only for system-wide and cabal libraries. If I create some very simple source file it will not complete functions from this file, or any other module created by me.
NecoGhcDiagnostics output:

Current filetype: haskell
ghc-mod is executable: 1
omnifunc: necoghc#omnifunc
neocomplete.vim: 0
neocomplcache.vim: 0
YouCompleteMe: 2
vimproc.vim: 800
Imported modules: Prelude, MyModule
Number of symbols in Prelude: 235

I think it is same problem.


In #35 completion works only for Prelude. In my case it also works in other imported modules (e.g. Xmonad)

You should create minimal .vimrc and reproduce ways.


set nocompatible
filetype off
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
Plug 'eagletmt/neco-ghc'
call plug#end()
filetype plugin indent on

autocmd FileType haskell setlocal omnifunc=necoghc#omnifunc

some very simple source file:

myfun x y = x * y

myfun2 = my<C-X><C-O>

result is Pattern not found

It's the limitation of ghc-mod.
ghc-mod can show symbols of installed modules only.
ghc-mod cannot show symbols of developping modules or current source file.

As for completion for current source file, <C-x><C-p> or <C-x><C-n> could help.
It's Vim's built-in keyword completion. See :help compl-current .

I think this should be in some "FAQ" or "Limitations" section of README.

Added it.

Completion works only for system-wide and cabal libraries.

From my tests, it works fine if you are in a cabal sandbox and did cabal install to install the project into the projects sandbox.

Then you have all the symbols of your current project, but only from that installed state.