
Accessing the full completion [Feature Request]

Closed this issue · 1 comments

toonn commented

I'm using neco-ghc with neocomplete.
When I type "import dtsu" the following completions show:
Data.~ [ghc] [ghc] Data.Sequence
Distribution.~ [ghc] [ghc] Distribution.TestSuite

These complete to "Data" and "Distribution" respectively. Is there a way to have them complete to Data.Sequence and Distribution.TestSuite?

Also, why does [ghc] show up twice?

These complete to "Data" and "Distribution" respectively. Is there a way to have them complete to Data.Sequence and Distribution.TestSuite?

It is converter_delimiter feature in neocomplete. You can disable it.
Please read neocomplete documentation.

Also, why does [ghc] show up twice?

I will fix it.