
The primary purpose of this repository is to share the instructions how to deploy and configure a mysql instance in the cluster with persistent storage. It is recommended to use the pre-defined helm chart for this. There is a set of customisations that we need to apply and this is why I've prepared the customised values.yaml

The following default values were updated:

  • mysqlRootPassword
  • mysqlUser
  • mysqlPassword
  • mysqlDatabase
  • configurationFiles.mysql.cnf
  • metrics.enabled
  • metrics.annotations
  • metrics.flags

Most of these changes can be provided using --set argument, but I'm not really sure how to provide metrics.annotations and configurationFiles.mysql.cnf. The metrics.annotations is required to run the mysqld-exporter container in the pod to export metrics into Prometheus. Custom mysql.cnf is required to enable slow_query_log.


helm install mysql-sample -f values.yaml stable/mysql