
reached the maximum number of channels raised with closed channels

mikemrm opened this issue · 12 comments


I've run into an issue with creating new channels and receiving the reached the maximum number of channels 65535 when attempting to create a new channel.

After some digging, I noticed Connection._get_next_available_channel_id() accounts for all channels, both open and closed. I believe filtering the count for just opened should resolve this issue.

I tested with a quick fix

    def _get_next_available_channel_id(self):
        channel_id = len(self._channels) + 1
        active_channels = [
            ch for ch in list(self._channels.values()) if ch and ch.is_open
        if len(active_channels) >= self.max_allowed_channels:
            raise AMQPConnectionError(
                'reached the maximum number of channels %d' %
        return channel_id

However it may be better to just keep an active count

Thanks for reporting this @mikemrm.

I'll look into this tonight.

The error message is a little misleading, as the real limitation here is that RabbitMQ cannot accept a channel id value higher than 65535.

I'll look into implementing a basic way of re-using closed channels.

If you have time, please try the above ^ patch.

Thanks for taking the time on this. My current environment is a web endpoint that posts updates to a queue. I'm still a bit new with rabbitmq, but my understanding is each thread should have its own channel. So in my setup, I share the connection and create a new channel when adding to the queue. This is where the ton of channels are coming from.

I did some testing, and noticed I would get amqpstorm.exception.AMQPConnectionError: socket/connection closed after a few seconds.

In my test script, I am launching 100 threads per second, each thread creates a channel waits 1 second, and then closes. My thought is, a channel may be getting recreated too quickly.

A possible cool down period could be added for each channel id as it gets closed or setting up an increment variable that loops and skips duplicate ids could be a more efficient route, however some edge cases could result in a similar issue.

I took a look at the updated _get_next_available_channel_id and I believe the problem is with returning the count of channels, as it is possible a channel id was created before, and a different id was removed, resulting in the same count.

I've modified it to just loop through and find the first open channel otherwise it raises max channels. mikemrm/amqpstorm@3530608

I've tested this a few times with the same script, and hasn't thrown an error.

If you are publishing messages I would just share the channel across the threads. The reason why you would want to use individual channels is primarily for consuming. Having that said it should still work.

Feel free to open a pull request against my branch with mikemrm/amqpstorm@3530608.

What do you think about this? I was trying to come up with something that would be fast, but still offer the features you need.


def _get_next_available_channel_id(self):
    if not self._channels:
        return 1

    last_channel_id = int(next(reversed(self._channels)))
    next_channel_id = last_channel_id + 1
    if next_channel_id < self.max_allowed_channels:
        return next_channel_id

    for index in compatibility.RANGE(1, self.max_allowed_channels):
        if index in self._channels:
        return index

    raise AMQPConnectionError(
        'reached the maximum number of channels %d' %

Thanks for that information, I'll switch my stuff over to using a single channel, and see how it goes.

That was much faster, but that range is still pretty slow, so I took another stab at it, with one of the suggestions I had before, and it seems to be the quickest.


    def _get_next_available_channel_id(self):
        if self._last_channel_id == self.max_allowed_channels:
            self._last_channel_id = 0

        for index in range(self._last_channel_id + 1, self.max_allowed_channels):
            if index in self._channels:
            self._last_channel_id = index
            return index

        if self._last_channel_id != 0:
            self._last_channel_id = 0
            return self._get_next_available_channel_id()
        raise AMQPConnectionError(
            'reached the maximum number of channels %d' % self.max_allowed_channels)

I ran some tests, and this one takes 0.24 seconds to create 100k fake channels.

[single range] Runtime: 328.03 sec
[reversed nxt] Runtime: 106.00 sec
[ channel id ] Runtime: 0.24 sec

Let me know what you think. #56

Looks good. I made some minor modifications. Not sure if my assumptions are correct. Tried to write some tests to make sure.
I will also need to do another pass on the channel removal part.

I still want to fix this, but haven't had the time to finalize a solution. Is this still critical for you @mikemrm?

My local modifications are handling it fine. So I'm good

The code is merged, and I am ready to release 2.6.0, but if you (or anyone else) has some time to run some basic tests, that would be great!