
npm run enclave-build hangs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Running npm run enclave-build produces this output and never finishes. I did minimal debugging but couldn't find the issue yet.

› npm run enclave-build 

> arena@0.0.1 enclave-build /Users/levithomason/src/arena
> node node_modules/enclave/src/build.js

Here is my version info:

› npm -v

› node -v

› cat node_modules/enclave/package.json| json version

› uname -mrs
Darwin 14.5.0 x86_64

Weird, it's something specific with your project (still probably an enclave bug). I tried to recreate the error on a fresh enclave project and it works correctly. I also tried it on the arena project you referenced (because I happen to have been working on the same repo), and I can recreate the bug. Is arena doing anything weird on build compiling?

Not that I know of, I believe you started the Arena project.


I'm refactoring a lot on Arena, let's see if the issue holds up after the refactors. Then we can dig in and diagnose.

Can't stand stale issues, so closing. If this persists or becomes a problem, it will come up again.