Measures are not appearing in the published apps
rdilisse opened this issue · 11 comments
We are facing the issue that the Measures are not appearing in the published apps (I personally tested it some weeks ago and it worked). The issue exactly is that the new measures added into the file are not appearing as well as the modifications to the existing ones. That’s why we think there can be an issue in the GMS app specifically here:
2017-05-15 15:03:18 0055 Let vCheck = If(len(FileSize('[lib://AppMetaFetcher/apps.csv]')) > 0, 1,0)
2017-05-15 15:03:18 0056 Let vCheckResult = If(0 = 1, 'you rock and we know it.', 'please install QMC Utilities and run App Meta Fetcher. Located at')
“This QMC Utilities plugin will retrieves Master Library item metadata from Qlik Sense applications and store it to a location of your choice.”
It says “'please install QMC Utilities and run App Meta Fetcher. Located at”. Is it possible that the Measures coming from KPI flat file from some weeks ago are stored in GMS and they cannot be replaced? Because even if we change the flat file with new KPIs and we distribute the Measures to HCC app, we are getting still the old values.
Please find attached the GMS log and the task reload logs.
Please let us know if you need something from us, we can have a meeting if needed.
We have done some more investigations and noticed that what I've reported in the first post as an error, is not related. We have GMS working fine on our DEV & QA environment, but not on our PRD. I've noticed that on PRD, the gms tag doesn't get accessed: occurrences reports 0, while on DEV & QA, the occurrences of the gms tag is a high number (we did a lot of reloads).
As we have a go live of this application tomorrow morning, your feedback is highly appreciated.
sorry for the delay @rdilisse, Qonnections got in the way for our team last week. So the only thing I can think of is that there is no gms tag set up in the prod environment. Without it, the repository notification service won't fire and tell GMS to start publishing.
regarding app meta fetcher, you will want to make sure you are pointing to the correct file for update. You can check post reload to see if the updates have flowed through into Metrics Library table. If they did, but the updates don't show up in the subscribed apps, we have a bug.
The gms tag is available, we actually see that the gms tag doesn't get accessed however, as it reports 0 occurences.
The Metrics Library table is updated, but the updates don't show up in the subscribed apps. It's working fine on our DEV & QA environment - note: we have compared the setup and all is same and we use same input file.
Do you have QMC Utilities installed? With QMC Utilities using the App Object Approver, we can see if the metrics are indeed added to the apps, but not showing up because of ownership issues. Unfortunately, the QMC does not show dimensions or measures and consequently it will not show tagged items in the repository of that object type either.
Another way to evaluate is to use Postman to make a rest connection to the repository. Are either of these options possible?
We don't have QMC utilities or Postman installed. As this can take up some time, I did as a quick test, a re-import of the GMS app (like described in #121); now the gms tag is used! I've done some more tests and apparently, the app only doesn't get the updated measures, when it's published in a certain stream; it works fine when using the same app in MyWork.
So, some possible issues.
- There is a required field that doesn't have data in it.
- Something is not working from an ownership change perspective. Adding a log file to this issue will help identify if this is a problem.
If 2 is the issue, the best thing to do is to stop and start the Qlik EA Powertools Service Dispatcher service. This will reset the notification entries required to kick off the ownership change process.
So, some possible issues.
- There is a required field that doesn't have data in it.
- Something is not working from an ownership change perspective. Adding a log file to this issue will help identify if this is a problem.
If 2 is the issue, the best thing to do is to stop and start the Qlik EA Powertools Service Dispatcher service. This will reset the notification entries required to kick off the ownership change process.
- The data get's loaded correctly in our test apps, so doesn't look like an issue with the data
- I've done already a restart and that didn't solve the issue. I've attached the logfile. To clarify: only the app called 'HCC - App' ID: 6b6dd42a-2ef6-4bf3-87f3-8323d5a0d0d3' is having issue: the dimensions/measures are not loaded; for our other test apps it works fine.
We got it working now. As you could see in the logfiles, GMS was reporting that all dimensions/measures were already loaded and although we could see them in the testpage, we could not see them in the HUB. We did a delete of the measures and then reloaded and now it's working fine.
per comment above, closing issue.