
Separate settings for nameplates and other text

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Could we separate the text settings for token nameplates and rulers/templates etc.?
I want to have custom text on the nameplates but not change the text for rulers and other things (or at least have separate settings for them).

Sure, i was planning on splitting Tokens out from the templates and rulers, and having settings for token disposition. I can see about including this as part of that update.

In the meantime if you want just Token nameplates you could install the previous version.

Is this feature still being planned? Would be great to use this in v9 now!

Sorry yes, still planned! Been really busy lately so sorry for the wait, trying to sort out some bug reports for compendium folders and have also been busy IRL.

This change shouldn't be too complicated to implement, so I will try to look into it asap, as it does sound like a good QoL idea 😄

Just want to throw my vote in for this feature... and I don't know if this mod is still being supported :)

I'm getting either massive names or tiny ruler text.