Error in matlab 2016R version
Pathithasan opened this issue · 4 comments
please help to resolve this error. following error is generated when program moves to embedding.
Error using ones
Size inputs must be integers.
Error in embedding (line 7)
then i caste iter to integer, following error is generated.
Error using cat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in embedding (line 20)
in it 'iter' is a variable name whose value is assigned from main file. either you didn't pass its value from main. Check out line no 41 in main.m.
iter= message_chunks; gain=3; [finalwatermrked,U11,V11]=embedding(gain,A,watermark,signalinframe,iter,dwtlevel);
After fixing the issue you mentioned, (the value is already pass)
iter = int32(iter+0.5); (line 4)
if numel(gain)==1
gain=Pones(1,iter); (line 7)
for ii=1:iter
I receive another issue,
Error using cat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in embedding (line 20)
How can I fix this.
Is possible for me to get any research paper for your project, so that will be great help for me. Also can I get the code for watermark extraction process.
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